Learning how to make friends as an adult can be so hard.
You meet someone, you think you click, and then they ghost you. Or sometimes the process is just a bit too awkward.
Trust me, I’ve been there so many times.
It’s not like when you or I were kids where there were no walls up, and we could just run up to each other on the playground and ask, “Hey, you wanna play together.” And then suddenly you’re friends.
But when it comes to adults finding friends and making social connections, it feels a lot more complicated.
You have a job, you might have had bad experiences which make you wary, and you’ve also built up some bad beliefs about yourself.
But it doesn’t have to be complicated, and it can actually be a great way to level up in your own life.
I’ve been traveling full-time since 2016, so I’ve had quite a few experiences of making friends around the world (and learning what to avoid as well).
It isn’t always easy, but there are methods and things you can do to make it easier.
So here are some ideas that’ll make the process of making adult friends a bit simpler for you!
In This Article:
- Why It’s Important to Make Friends as an Adult
- How to Make Friends as an Adult
- Where to Make Friends as an Adult
How to Make Friends as an Adult
When you’re learning how to make new friends as an adult, it can be very intimidating to put yourself out there. But, I just want you to know that you can do it!
I completely believe in you, and I hope that the advice I give down below helps you in making some incredible friends in the very near future. 😊
1. Get Rid of Bad Beliefs
An important thing you can do is to get rid of scripts (beliefs) that tell you that you’re not worthy of good friends or that forming connections is unsafe.
We all come from different backgrounds, and some more sad than others. Parents and others around us growing up, shape and mold our beliefs about ourselves. And because of this, it’s up to us to change anything that doesn’t serve us.
So think about the kind of negative beliefs you have about yourself, and others. Then, find ways to change your thinking. So for instance, you could try out positive affirmations, or go to a counselor.
2. Have a Growth Mindset
Whether you’ve just moved to a new city, or you just want new friends, it’s important to have a growth mindset when learning how to meet new people as an adult.
I know that it can be easy to get comfortable with the friends you already have and not want to put in more effort.
But when you open yourself up to new people, you can see it as a great way to grow. You get to grow in finding new ways to meet people as an adult, understanding new perspectives, and new interests. It’s a great way to challenge yourself!
3. Know That It’s Ok if It’s Awkward at First
I think one of the best things you can do is to know that yes, it might be awkward, and then choose not to care.
Like yes, it’s gonna happen, and you don’t need to be scared of it. Just embrace it; it is what it is. And once you get past that hurdle, then I think putting yourself out there and making friends is going to be a lot easier.
You’re going to get rid of that unnecessary stress and be a lot more relaxed when it comes to making friends.
4. Lead With Curiosity and Make It About Them
This is definitely one of the best tips you’re gonna read when learning how to make adult friends.
When I met a good friend of mine, at a small group meeting, I complimented her on being so outgoing. It really did impress me.
And what she told me made me change how I treated others. She said that she had struggled with social anxiety for a long time, but when she decided to make it about the other person, it took the focus off her fears, and made it about them.
When you’re not so focused on your feelings, but you’re more focused on how the other person is feeling, and making them feel comfortable, then things can flow a lot more smoothly.
5. Be the Confident Version of Yourself
I used to struggle a lot with social anxiety, but here’s one thing that helped me out immensely with my confidence.
Back in 2013, I started to ask myself, “What would the Facebook me do?”
I noticed that I was a lot more outgoing online, so I decided to get myself into that mindset when I was going to a party and meeting new people for the first time.
It worked, and I made new friends, simple as that. 🙂
6. Create a Life You Enjoy
Start doing things for you!
Start doing things that make you happy, and that fulfill your life.
Don’t try to put yourself in activities you know you’re going to hate.
Join groups and events that excite you!
When you’re filling your life up with different things you enjoy, and getting yourself out there, you’re going to start meeting people who like the same things as you.
7. Compliment Them
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
– Maya Angelou
This is honestly so true. I can’t count the amount of times someone said, or did, something that made me either feel really good or really bad. And that’s what I remembered.
I think one of the most important things you can do, when it comes to making friends, is to do anything you can to make them feel good. And giving them compliments is a great way to do this.
When you (genuinely) compliment someone, I’ve found that it can open things up for a real conversation.
8. Push Through the Awkward First Meeting and Get to the Next One
If you really wanna learn how to meet friends as an adult, then this is a tip you can’t ignore.
Even if things don’t go smoothly, or you’re not so sure about this person, try hanging out with them a second or third time.
People have their guard up the first time you meet, you don’t get to see all of them. They’re feeling uncomfortable too!
So just make sure to ask them to meet up again and set a date and place. I’ve found that I’ve made great friends doing this, so I promise you, it really does work!
9. Make the Second Meeting About Them
Another good way I’ve solidified a good friendship was to simply listen to their interests, and make the second meeting about that.
So for instance, I had some friends who mentioned that they liked Asian food, so my husband and I offered to meet up with them at a really good dim sum restaurant for Lunar New Year (a few days later).
Basically, you get the next meeting in, plus you’re making it about them and making them want to get to know you better, and being excited for the next meeting.
10. Commit to Making an Effort
If you’re already having a conversation with someone, maybe a person you met at a coffee shop or a neighbor, and you see that you have some common interests (or they just seem really nice), take it further.
Invite them to hang out, or invite them to do a shared interest like exploring new cuisines.
Do it on a whim and don’t overthink it!
That’s how I made good friends with a LARGE group in college!
Here’s how it happened:
- I was getting tea at the college campus cafe.
- While putting some sugar in my tea, another girl who was also getting a drink asked me my name, talked to me for a bit, then said, “Hey, do you want to hang out with us?”
- I hung out with them; they were all very easy going and good people.
- Then later on, multiple people in that group introduced me to other friend groups they were apart of, and then suddenly I had friends all around the campus! 😂
But it all started with one person deciding to get out of their comfort zone and asking me to hang out.
Now imagine how many friends you could potentially meet by getting uncomfortable and asking an uncomfortable question!
11. Don’t Be Afraid to Initiate
Trust me, you’re not the only one who’s uncomfortable when it comes to making friends. So with that in mind, just know that it’s going to be on you to take the initiative a lot of the time.
So if you see someone you believe you would want to get to go know, then do something small. Give them a compliment, or do something as simple as opening the door for them while their arms are full. Or even ask them for help with something!
Show kindness and helpfulness and it might bring you both to a point where you can initiate a hang out.
12. Get Rid of Any Negative Beliefs You Have About Others
This one right here is SO important.
Because of the bad experiences you, and I, might have had over the years, whether from our own family or bad friends, we’ve started to build up bad beliefs about others.
We make assumptions that other people aren’t safe to get close to, or we judge them for something they really aren’t doing.
And one of the best things you can do is to figure out the bad lies you have surrounding making friends, and other people in general.
Find out where these beliefs came from. Did you mom, dad, or a bad friend teach you that connection wasn’t safe?
Then once you’ve figured out these bad thought patterns, take time to think about the good things you want to believe instead, and start replacing those old thoughts with good new ones.
This is so important to do because if you don’t get rid of them, you’ll end up making friends with someone, and then subconsciously start doing things to push them away. I’ve been there before and it’s a horrible feeling!
Important: If this is very hard for you to overcome, then it might be a good idea to see a counselor. They can help!
13. Try New Activities That Get You Out of Your Comfort Zone
Look at different local groups in your general area. Are there activities or things you’ve never done before?
Push yourself to get into something new. This isn’t just a good way to grow yourself as a person (which is also a great thing!), but it’s also expanding your horizons when it comes to making friends.
You’re widening that, “Friend Flow,” I discussed earlier.
14. Say Yes (Even When You’re Unsure)
If someone asks you to hang out, just say yes.
Go for it.
If the other person ends up not being someone you like, then it’s fine. You don’t have to hang out with them again.
Or if a family member, or someone you’re already friends with, asks you if want to attend something, say yes to this too!
This will help expand your opportunities for making adult friends, and meeting new people.
15. Be Vulnerable
When you’re making friends, it can be scary to get vulnerable, and go deep with them.
I mean, what if they stop talking to you, because they realize that they don’t really like you?
But it’s important to realize that yes, rejection will happen; it happens to everyone. Not everyone is compatible with each other.
So see making friends, and being vulnerable and open with who you really are, as a long term game.
If you know that you’re in it for the long run, then you’re going to find people along the way who are compatible with you. They will like who you really are, and you’ll like who they really are!
16. Meet Up With Friends of Friends
If you already have one friend where you live, then let them know that you’d like to make more friends.
Be open and honest with them.
Then ask them if they’d be willing to set up a get-together between you, them, and maybe one or two other people. Keep it small so it’s not overwhelming.
I feel like this can be an easier way of making friends since you and this new person have something in common; you’re both mutual friends with the person that set up the date.
Also, your friend can be the helping hand you need to make conversation flow.
17. Tap Into Your Community
Don’t overlook local events that are happening in your own community.
It’s a great way to meet new people and get plugged into what’s happening in the area you live.
So if there’s an event at a local coffee house, music festival, farmer’s market, a play, or anything else where you can potentially mingle, then this is a great option!
18. Be Patient and Keep a Positive Outlook
I just want you to know that it’s ok if a friendship doesn’t happen right away.
This isn’t something you have to hate yourself for.
You’re a beautiful and good person, and the right people are going to find you. It’s going to happen if you keep on putting yourself out there.
You will figure it out.
I guess think of it this way. Let’s say you’re working on making a really complicated French recipe. I know that sounds random, but sometimes they can take a LONG time to make (because they have a lot of steps), but the end results are incredible!
So you’re making this recipe, you’re putting a lot of hard work and time into it, you put it in the oven, and then the final step begins. Waiting for it to finish cooking.
Would you, after all of your hard work, take that recipe out of the oven too early? Yes, it can be hard to wait longer, but you actually want to enjoy the beautiful thing you created.
It’s the same thing with friends. You don’t want to rush into a friendship with someone that seems like they might be toxic. But you also don’t want to give up because the right people haven’t shown up just yet.
Take your time, know that it will happen, and know that you’re a good person and you’re worthy of good friends. ❤️
19. Consider Counseling
There might be beliefs or habits that are holding you back from making friends.
Sometimes you might be aware of them, and sometimes you might not be aware of them at all.
And counselors can be great at helping you explore where certain beliefs or ways of acting came from.
They help you get to the root of things so that you can uproot those bad beliefs that are keeping you from getting close to others.
Healthline also goes over some important key factors so that you can have success in finding the right counselor. I’d check it out, it’s good to not waste your time or money on someone who doesn’t want to really help.
Where to Make Friends as an Adult
When you’re figuring out places to make friends as an adult, I think it’s important to take on the concept of, “The Friend Flow.”
Instead of staying in, or doing the things you normally do in the week, you are going to change that.
You’re going to find as MANY things possible to put yourself in the flow of constantly meeting new people. And these new people might become friends.
It’s easy to say, “Well, I just have a hard time making friends,” which can definitely be true. But sometimes, you might not always do everything you can to put yourself in a place where friendship can happen.
So putting yourself into The Friend Flow is going to make it so that you’re more likely to meet people, and build good friendships.
And down below are some great tried, tested, and certified ways you can do just that! 🙂
1. Facebook Groups for Your Local Area
I’ve met some of my closest friends on local Facebook groups and here’s how you do it.
Find a Facebook group that’s dedicated to locals (or even non-locals) in your area.
So for instance, you can type in your local town, city, or county, and then look under the groups section and see what’s available. Or you can get more specific and type in the name of the city, town, or county and then add in a specific word like, “artists,” “women,” “locals,” etc.
Then, once you’ve done this, you can join and ask the group if there’s anyone who wants to hang out and get a cup of coffee or go out to eat.
Maybe even make it more specific to an interest and say something like, “Hey, I’d love to hang out with anyone who’s into hiking,” and then fill in the rest.
I’ve made two incredible friends this way, so it has definitely been done, no theory here!
2. Small Groups and Other Religious Events
This is a great method for anyone, and it’s also worked for me.
I have two incredible friends I met in a small group at a local church.
I didn’t even end up staying at that church, but they’re both still my best friends to this day, and we talk throughout the month.
And beyond small groups, there are other options as well!
So you could look for volunteer ministries at your church, study groups, music events, and other times when you’d be able to meet new people.
3. Couchsurfing.net
This one sounds weird, but you have to trust me here (and no, you don’t need to sleep on someone’s couch).
Couch Surfing is a site where people post their couch, or spare bedroom, to stay in for free in different cities or towns around the world. And the cool thing about the people who host free spaces is that they’re already up for making friends.
People only host others for free if they want to meet new people and put themselves out there.
So here’s what you do: Check out multiple people’s profiles in your area, see if their bio sounds like someone you would actually want to hang out with, and then message them.
Say something like, “Hey, I don’t need a couch to sleep on, but I would love to hang out and get to know you! In your profile, I saw that you were into {insert hobby or interest} and have been to {X countries}. You seem like a really cool person, so I’d love to buy you a coffee and talk!”
I’ve made a very good friend in Norway like this, and I know that it can be done elsewhere too!
4. Try Workout Classes Specifically
Yes, you could get a gym membership, show up everyday to workout, and hope that you’ll start talking to someone.
But here’s why I think it would be better if you took an actual fitness class.
You and the people in your class are all working on something specific, so you have one point you can already relate on.
So maybe after one of the sessions, you start talking to another person in the group, and ask them what they think of the class.
It’s a small way to start a connection, but either you will strike up a good conversation right then, or it will be the starting point of a potential friendship later on.
5. Join a Local or Virtual Book Club
Book clubs can be a great option for meeting new people and making new friends!
So you could look to your local bookshop, library, or search online for book clubs in your area.
But you could also do a virtual book club if you’re busy! There’s a site called Bookclubs which has different online book clubs that you can join, and I honestly think that’s pretty cool!
6. Sign Up for a Class or Workshop
I feel like this one is a bit cliche, but it does need to be said.
Taking a class and workshop is a genuinely good place to make friends.
Just like with the gym class ideas above, you are all working on something together, which gives you common ground.
And it also gives you a good jumping off point for a conversation with someone. If you’re both taking part in the same thing, then you can both talk about your individual experiences.
Also, if you notice this other person doing great in the class or workshop, compliment them! You don’t necessarily have to start a conversation with them (you can if you want to!), but it does get them feeling good emotions towards you. They’ll remember you next time, and in the end, we all feel good about someone who compliments us!
And then eventually, it might lead to more conversations down the road, and then to a friendship.
7. Volunteer for a Non-Profit in Your Area
Volunteering and community involvement can be a great way to meet people who also share the same passions as you.
So whether you want to serve and help in orphanages, or take care of animals, you can find like minded people to connect with!
8. Try Apps for Friendship Like Bumble BFF, Meetup, or Hey!Vina
I know that I talked about using Couchsurfing.net to find friends, but there are also plenty of other great options out there!
So online spaces like Bumble BFF, Meetup, or Hey!Vina can be a great place to start.
Also, it gets rid of a bit of the anxiety involved in going to events to meet new people, if that makes you nervous.
Other Activities for Finding Friends
- Cooking classes.
- Crafting workshops.
- Join a work committee.
- Join your church’s choir.
- Pilates.
- Hiking groups.
- Other outdoor groups like surfing, biking, running, etc.
- Groups that like to explore the local food scene.
- Groups for entrepreneurs.
- Host a party and ask current friends to invite their friends. Or just ask friendly neighbors to come on over for some good food.
- Cultural events.
- Toastmasters or other speaking clubs.
- Dance classes.
I really hope these tips on how to find friends as an adult helped you out.
There were a lot of ideas and questions answered, so I’m hoping you’re not too overwhelmed! 😅
Also, just remember, you deserve good friends and you can make new friends!
You’ve got this!
Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.