Since I was twelve I was dealing with breakouts and to be honest, I didn’t really care for my skin like how I should have. I’d get on a short phase where I was obsessed with washing my face and taking care it, but that lasted for about… 5 days max. Then I got lazy and started wearing my makeup to bed. It was a horrible cycle of wanting clear skin, but not really caring enough to do anything about it.
But slowly over time, I started to become more conscious of my skin health, especially since taking care it also means you’ll look a lot better when you get older. And I know a lot of you might be in the same boat I was in; wanting to take care of your skin, but maybe not sure what’s the best way of doing it. So down below I’ve included some seriously awesome graphs to get you started and make you a genius (well.. almost) at skin health.
From each graph, I take one tip that I think is the best or know to be true (and sometimes I’ll give my own tip as well). And once you’re finished, let me know in the comments what your favorite tip was.
Let’s Start With What Can Cause Acne
Shower Water: Uh.. wait what? Yeah, apparently the metals in the water can cause you to break out, so a quick fix is to get a water filter or cleanse your skin right after your shower. It’s as simple as that.
Quick Note!
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Source: Cosmopolitan
Now What You Should be Eating for Clear Skin
Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are an awesome option if you’re looking for great foods for your skin. They have antioxidants in them with have bacteria fighting properties (bacteria in this case being acne), which makes them a great choice.
Source: One Green Planet
You Should Probably Try Out Cinnamon
Cinnamon is great in that it also has antibacterial properties which means it’ll be fighting off breakouts on your face. You can either put it in a face mask or drink it with some tea; either way, your skin will be benefiting.
Source: Dr. Axe
Drinks for Your Skin
Ginger Detox Tea: This tea has awesome ingredients that will give you clear skin. Ingredients like green tea, lemon, ginger, and honey. All four of these things will fight bacteria and give you beautiful glowing skin.
Source: The Indian Spot
Because You Need an Essential Oils for Your Skin
Calendula: This essential oil is great since it reduces swelling and redness, and fights acne. Definitely a great go-to after washing your face.
Source: PopSugar
Now You Need a Skin Care Regiment
Having a skin care regimen is super important if you want to make it a habit and keep your clear skin around. And that’s why I love how the blogger from Gurl found an awesome infographic for doing just that.
Source: Cassandre Beccai
If You Want to Look Good Without Makeup
Tinted Moisturizer with SPF: This is a great option so you’re not caking on foundation, but you’re benefiting your skin and keeping it clear and young.
Source: Top Beauty Brands – Site no longer available for viewing.
Lastly, Easy Home Remedies for Clear Skin
Honey: This ingredient that many people already have in their kitchen is great for fighting off breakouts and nurturing your skin to give it awesome health. Leave it on as a mask once a day and you’ll have great skin. Just remember not to go out with it on.. it’ll look a bit strange to people.
Source: Home Remedy – Link and site is no longer available.
Now whether you’ve been taking care of your skin for a while but wanted some new tips and hacks, or you just want to start, all of these will get you well on your way to having clear skin. Just make sure to stay away from things that will cause a break, don’t pick at any pimples (scars are not fun.. trust me), and create your own regimen to keep acne under control.
Now if you have any questions or any clear skin care tips yourself, let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear about them!
Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.
Excited about trying these natural products.
Yolanda I’m gonna recommend you enstilar foam for psoriasis.
Anything that would help psoriasis? My husband and son suffer from it. I need help for their large patches that get very dry, itchy, and bleed.
Ts early good to know thanks
Hello, thanks for your blog, the tips you shared for natural hair is amazing. I also prefer natural hair and take care of them naturally. Thanks and keep sharing.
Great tips, thanks for sharing your effort. Looking forward to read more articles from you.
Nice information…keep it up
Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog
Amazing blog, well done!
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Thumb up for this post.
Love the post its very informative. However i now have too much information and i dont know what to use exactly!! I like structured instructions such as first do this, then apply this, after that use this… etc. so Is there a day to day regime that you can jot down? I Like the chart which says drink lemon water 3x a week, apply mask 1x a week. This chart is easy to follow but leaves me with questions like can the toner be missed out on? if not where does that feature? Skin care is tooo confusing for me and i have never been able to follow a regime! Do help!
great tips, I will try it. thanks
I have dark circles under my eye can someone help me with it pls. What can I
I’ve heard that coconut oil can help, but I also use whitening creams which work wonders. 🙂
So a few other things I found are unknown causes : pillowcase, it needs to be changed once a week, in hot water.
Your hair if you style your hair to touch your face, it can cause more oil
Towels, they are just as dirty
Thanks for the awesome tips Breeana! 🙂
Hi, I’m 15 and i have plenty of acne problems. I wash my face every morning and night but I don’t see a lot of changes also i have a quick question, if you leave on a hot towel on your face and than do the baking soda mixes with water to exfoliate would it irritate your skin? Also can any of these tips that you listed help with removing blackheads?
Hey Margarita! Many acne problems that happen when you’re a teenager are caused from hormones. I would totally talk to your doctor about what types of options you have for that (I know he’ll have plenty of tips! 🙂 )
And water with baking soda shouldn’t irritate your skin, but I’d VERY gently scrub your face with it. 🙂
As for blackheads, I’m not sure. You might want to go to the original source and aks the creator of the health skin charts. 🙂
I have areas on my face that breaks out over and over again same area. I am a Double Transplant Patient on the list again. My skin looks sick and I don’t want to wear make up ( usually a powder foundation and blush only) so don’t know what to do. Please help
Hey Justina, I would honestly talk to your doctor about this. Many times breakouts happen because of hormones and he or she will know exactly what to do. 🙂
I’m having crazy breakouts on my chin and in the middle of my eyebrows!! Should I be using a honey mask everyday? I been using honey and lemon then I was off after 10-15 mins then I tone with burts bee then I moisturize with coco oil and tea tree oil. I also been using the shea butter black soap. Idk but things are not working for me I keep breaking out!! Ughh plz help lol
Hey May, I’d definitely try out different masks if the honey one is making you break out. Or talk to a dermatologist about it! Many times breakouts are caused by hormones and they’ll know exactly how to take care of it. 🙂
You could be allergic to tea tree oil. No everyone can use it.
You should try the aloe nad honey face mask and keep it on for 30 min and then tone and moisture well .This problem is so common with me also and is mostly happen because of poor taking care of your skin or may be because of not cleaning your face properly amd further problem increases then you should consult to your dermatologist
love all the information in this article this was so helpful and I loved everything I read it was a great thing to learn about all of the things I read
I’m so glad all this info helped you out Sonya! 🙂
Where can I buy the oils you talk about and can I buy whole sale ? And quantity?
Hey Charlie, the only place I know to buy these oils would be Amazon. 🙂
Charlie— shop around. Bulk Apothecary has good prices. I buy also buy alot of my oils from Radha Beauty.
Please don’t but these they’re terrible. Invest in professional serums and formulas made in labs to tweak the perfect amounts to put onto your skin.
Cinnamon and its oil are caustic! Do not put it on your skin!
Hey Alison, as long as you put a small amount on your skin and not overdo it, it should be fine. 🙂
What’s good for dark circles?
Hey Viola! I would definitely try a lemon water mixture. 🙂
You should invest in cleanser moisturizers and serums made professionals as they have lot’s of research backing them up. Lemons are very irritant and bad for your skin. If none of this works contactt your dermatologist. DIY skincare can result in more breakouts, irritated skin, and more blemishes.
Very good article!! Quick question .. I was using organic honey as mask for two weeks still got a ugly breakout ..any idea what could be the reason ..I am also drinking 2-3 cups of green tea everyday..please advise should I continue to use honey or leave it ..
Hey Soniya! Let’s see.. how long are you keeping the mask on your face? I’ve found that the longer I keep mine on, the more chance for a breakout I have (due to it clogging up my pours). If it’s not that, then I would think that there’s something in the honey that’s irritating your skin. And if that’s the case, then definitely try something different like olive oil or jojoba oil.
There is sugar in the honey so it just food for the bacteria in the zit you have a different type of acne so you do not need honey. You should use type of oatmeal masks or rose types or like olive oil, vitamin e or Shea butter
Using honey with cinamon can use everyday?
Hey Aleth, I’d use it every other day. 🙂