10 of the Best Money Saving Hacks from Amazon Experts

Now whether you have Prime membership or not, there are plenty of ways to save a lot of money on Amazon. I myself love saving on items I don’t necessarily need (and I suppose ones that are kind of necessities too). But whenever I hear about new ways to save on Amazon, I get pretty excited. Especially when I learn that I can get something that would normally cost a lot of money.

So even if you don’t shop online often, there are still some great hacks that you can take advantage of. Down below I found a few great hacks from awesome bloggers who know how to save. I love sharing the best content out there and with each hack I include a link at the bottom of the post to their site where you can read even more on Amazon money saving tips. So go through these hacks and feel free to click the links at the end to read even more!

The Best Amazon Hacks You’ve Seen Before


Wallet Hacks: See Source Below

Sign up for the Amazon App and Receive $5: If you download their app (which is free itself), Amazon will give you $5 credit which can help you save on your next purchase. To be honest, I don’t know many companies that give your freebies like this.

50 Amazon Hacks You Probably Don’t Know About


Money Pantry: See Source Below

Put Things in Your Shopping Cart and Wait for Discounts: If you’re not in a rush, you can put things in your shopping cart and wait for a couple of days. Then Amazon will send you a reminder and sometimes send you discounts to give you an incentive to buy.

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Top 22 Ways to Earn Free Amazon Gift Cards


I Don’t Have Time For That: See Source Below

The Viggle App: Just open up this app whenever you’re watching TV or listening to music (it wants to know what you listen to and watch), and you’ll start getting points that can earn you an Amazon gift card. Now this one sounds a little too simple.. which is why I like it.

How to Become a Product Reviewer for Amazon


Proverbs 31 Wife: See Source Below

Become a Reviewer and Get Free (Or Deeply Discounted) Items: Now this blogger is awesome; she tells you exactly what you need to do (and what to avoid), to become a product reviewer and get free and discounted products. Now that sounds like a great way to save on Christmas.

How to Get Free or Cheap Items on Amazon


Some of This and That: See Source Below

Elite Deal Club: This is a great site to sign up for so you can apply for as many items as you want (to review) and get them either free or discounted. But you have to keep your eye on your email to see when new things come in; items move fast.

How to Trade Your Opinion for Free Amazon Products


I Don’t Have Time for That: See Source Below

Join a Facebook Group Like Top Quality Reviewers: Just like Elite Deal Club, you can get a free or seriously discounted product by reviewing them. All you have to do is join the group and find what you’d like to review (Just make sure your reviews are honest. Probably should have said that earlier on..).

Even if Christmas or someone’s birthday is far off, now is the best time to start racking up those free gift cards or start getting those cheap or free products from reviews. And if saving up for specific dates isn’t on your mind, at least having discounts and free gift cards is a great incentive to have an online shopping spree guilt free. Or.. maybe you can buy things that are necessities and feel more responsible (even if it’s not as fun).

So heed these awesome tips wisely and try not to buy too much stuff that you don’t need. Oh! And don’t forget to check out the rest of the Amazon Hacks down below!

Join my EXCLUSIVE email list for money saving and making hacks!

Here I'll give you some of the best tips and hacks I have for making and saving money.

So whether you want to increase your income, get out of debt, or just some simple saving tips, I've got you covered!

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Wallet Hacks: The Best Amazon Hacks You’ve Seen Before

Money Pantry: 50 Amazon Hacks You Probably Don’t Know About

I Don’t Have Time for That: Top 22 Ways to Earn Free Amazon Gift Cards

Proverbs 31 Wife: How to Become a Product Reviewer for AmazonLink has been redirected to their homepage; blog post no longer exists.

Some of This and That: How to Get Free or Cheap Items on Amazon

I Don’t Have Time for That: How to Trade Your Opinion for Free Amazon Products

Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.

1 thought on “10 of the Best Money Saving Hacks from Amazon Experts”

  1. Definitely become a product reviewer if you can as that is the easiest way to get items at a discount or free for simply giving your opinion. Be careful though, as some of these sites really just want positive reviews so you could potentially be penalized for a negative review.


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