Sometimes we tend to get carried away with focusing on too much at one time and forgetting our important daily activities at home. And we might have a busy schedule which makes us keep procrastinating when we are supposed to get certain things done.
But whatever the reason might be, a bullet journal can be a useful tool for keeping our homes and family running smoothly on a daily basis. So check out these bullet journal ideas to keep things under control and let me know what you think!
Use Sticky Notes
When putting a sticky note in your journal, you can swiftly write down a quick reminder or a task and take it out when the errand has been completed.
Chore List Layout
Chores can be a big deal for some of us, but we can’t avoid them. Getting a layout of them will make it easier and faster for us to carry them out efficently.
Weekly Layout Planner
Planning ahead for your week can make your week amazing. If you need a simple journal layout to track your weekly activities such as your meals, weather, exercise routine and more, a weekly layout is good for you.
Have a Journal Key
As soon as you start using your journal, you can create a journal key to represent a few tasks and goals which will help you remain organized.
Washi Tape
Washi tape will not only help you beautify your journal (it comes in a variety of colors and patterns) but also help you separate the topics from the content you have in your journal.
Create a Gratitude Page
This page should be made for you to list out things you are thankful for monthly, helping you to be more grateful and happy throughout the day.
Track Your Habits
This is one thing you should never neglect if you want to be a better person. Tracking your habits on a daily basis helps you improve not just at home but in all areas of your life.
Utilize Flags or Tabs
Putting a flag or tab at the edge of your journal will help you keep track of your essential pages.C
Colored Ink Pens
To organize your work, you can simply use a colored ink pen to label your journal which will help you quickly identify the various spreads throughout.
The idea of using a bullet journal is simply genius and these bullet journal ideas are an effective way to focus on specific problems or concerns that we face in our homes.
It’s also a great way to keep our entire lives organized and efficient. So try a few of them out and let me know what you think.
Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.