10 Dave Ramsey Tips That’ll Help You Get Out of Debt

Pin image credit to Pictures of Money – Flickr – Changes were made to the original image.

Dave Ramsey is an American Business man and author. And as a man who has faced financial difficulties and managed to come out successfully, Ramsey has a lot to tell the world on how to get out of debt. 

So here are some awesome quick tips he has for people who are struggling in their financial life.

Start couponing: You can save a ton of money just by showing a coupon to the cashier. Just be sure you’re using coupons for products you already buy, otherwise you could end up overspending on items you’ll never use. That’s how you end up with 10 bottles of spicy mustard sitting in your pantry.

Try consignment shopping: Kids grow out of clothes at the speed of lightning. It’s not worth it to go into debt for your two-year-old’s wardrobe. Check out consignment stores that sell pre-loved, good condition outfits for your kids. If you’d rather shop online, no problem. Sites like thredUP and Swap.com are great resources to get adult and children’s clothing at a fraction of the cost.

Cut cable: Luckily, you can watch most of your favorite shows online. If you haven’t bitten the bullet yet, do it! Put that $100 cable bill towards your debt each month and watch how quickly your debt snowball moves.

Stop going out to eat: While you’re feeling the freedom of not having to cook, you’re definitely hurting your finances. For a creative way to still socialize and share a meal, have friends over for taco night instead of meeting up at a restaurant.

Break up with your barista: If you don’t know where all your money is going each month, we’re pretty sure your favorite coffee shop can locate it for you. Brewing your own coffee at home is a simple way to save money fast.

Visit the library: Remember libraries? They have plenty of books and DVDs you can borrow for free! Your wallet has never loved movie night more than it does now.

Plan your grocery trips: Make a list and stick to it! Use a calculator while you browse the aisles to make sure you’re sticking to your budget. Do impulse items always end up in your cart? Try ordering your groceries online and then picking them up curbside at the store. Oh, and don’t shop on an empty stomach!

Learn to say, “No”: Make it a new part of your vocabulary. Love it. Embrace it. Because when it comes to spending money, you’ll be saying it quite often.

Tell the kids you’re on a budget: When it comes to money, the kids can be a worse guide than your stomach. Be open with them about what you do and don’t have room for in the budget. And remember: Never be afraid to use that magic “no.”

Stay Away from Costly Hobbies: Hobbies are a great way to relax and connect with friends. But make sure your hobbies aren’t too expensive and blow your budget.

Now if you have any questions about these Dave Ramsey tips, just let me know in the comments down below! I’d be glad to help you out!

Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.

4 thoughts on “10 Dave Ramsey Tips That’ll Help You Get Out of Debt”

  1. Hi myself & my husband are really trying so hard to dig our selves out of debt. And would appreciate any help and tips you have on this please.thank you take care bye.

    • Hey, I am SO sorry for the super late response! If you want to go ahead and subscribe, you can; I’ll be coming out with a debt binder (that’ll help you save money and get out of debt) in the next few months. Also, are there any specific questions you have on getting out of debt? 🙂

  2. My husband and I are out of debt, I’m 69 and my husband is 71. He is disabled from the military and I am retired. We have money ( a little), to invest but know how to get started. I am looking for some type of a savings plan that we can contribute to each month. After monthly bills, we have around $5,000. to invest. What would you recommend for us to get started. Thank you


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