10 Life Changing Cleaning and Organizing Hacks

Hey, do you hate cleaning?

Like do you just wanna burn the whole house down because you cleaned it yesterday but now it’s messy YET AGAIN?





Like really, just burn it to the ground.

haha Been there.

But you know what makes that better?

Cleaning hacks that make your home go from having random cups in your bedroom, a pile of dishes in the sink, and jackets on the floor, to being that home that makes you look like you have your life together to all your friends (because you do). 

So check them out and see if you wanna burn your house down a little less the next time you clean. 😁

Side Note: If you have any great cleaning tips yourself, let me know in the comments down below!

22 Little Known Tips to {Really} Clean Your Home

Now what I like about this post by Kresha from Nourishing Joy is that she gives tips on how to clean certain parts of the house (basically a breakdown). Parts like the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and common areas. But my favorite tip is this:

So those nights where you decide to get Chinese take-out and eat at home are great. You’re watching some movie on Netflix when suddenly.. that sweet and sour chicken just hit the floor. Well… that’s gonna leave a stain. Unless, you do this!

Fresh stain: try to get as much of the stain out as you can, then pour a ½ inch of salt over the stain and leave for 1-5 days (reapply salt as needed). The salt will soak up any stain and once it’s done, you can break the salt up and vacuum. Done.

Old stain: it’s basically a repeat of the first except you first moisten it heavily with water and blot, then apply the salt procedure.

Read more of her home hacks here!

7 Easy Ways to Make Your Bathroom So Much Cleaner This Week

Alright so shower heads and faucets can get pretty nasty with gunk, but there’s a hack for that (surprise surprise)! And the hack is this:

Get rid of showerhead and faucet gunk by tying a plastic bag filled with white vinegar with a rubber band around them. Also, depending on how bad the gunk is, you may have to use heavy duty de-scaler. Check out the tutorial here.

Read more of Buzzfeed’s home hacks here!

13 Gorgeous Tidy Tips and Organization Hacks

I love organization, and I especially love it if it looks good.. really good. Which is why I love Kelly Dixon’s finds on home hacks. She shows how you can store mouthwash (or even soap) in a olive oil glass container (because the containers they already come in don’t always look that nice). It gives your bathroom and nice classy, pretty, and clean look.

Read the rest of her awesomely beautiful home hacks here!

Refrigerator Organization Tips

I hate coming home after grocery shopping only to find that most of the space in my refrigerator is already taken (or just totally disorganized making it a pain to move things around), and that’s why I really appreciated Chelsea’s hack on how you should,

Keep perishables in the front so that you’ll remember to use them right away instead of letting them fall further back, forgetting about them, and then finding them moldy and disgusting a couple weeks later. It also keeps things rotating which gives you more room.

See the rest o f her handy refrigerator hacks here!

20+ Home Organization Ideas

Now I like this list because Kristyn from Lil’ Luna has found some awesome DIY tutorials from various sources and they’re all something we can use to make our house more organized (and pretty). But what I like the most is the..

Junk Drawer Organization DIY (you can find the DIY here). We all have one and it always looks like, well… junk. So this do-it-yourself project will help it look so much better and make things easier to find.

Check out the rest of her awesome finds hereLink redirected to her homepage. The post no longer exists.

19 Insanely Clever Organizing Hacks

Okay! So I really like this one, hence why I’m sharing this with you and making it one of my top 10 hacks. So you know how you get those Starbucks Frappuccinos and they taste great right? Well no longer do you have to waste those perfectly good glass bottles! You can use them as storage containers for grains, beans, or whatever you want to put in them. They’re small enough so they save space and it honestly looks pretty cool.

Check out the rest of Buzzfeed’s organizing hacks here!

17 Kitchen Hacks That Change Everything

Now I was tempted to make one of my top hacks an easy tutorial on repurposing TicTac containers into spice containers (find it here, they save a lot of space), but then I saw their hack on how to,

Clean a microwave by heating a bowl of water and vinegar and letting the steam dampen the stuck on food. Then just wipe it away and it’s all clean. I really hate cleaning microwaves just for the reason that it’s so hard to get the food off, but with this hack, my life just got easier.

Read the rest of Huffington Posts’s hacks here!

20 Organizing Life Hacks

On How to Nest for Less by Erin, she found an awesome hack for the laundry room.

Use a hanging shoe rack to hold cleaning supplies (and keep out of kid’s reach). I thought this one was great because it’s always such a hassle to bend down, look under the skink, and try to rummage through all the bulky cleaning containers to find what you need. With this, the shoe rack is clear plastic so you can find what you’re looking for faster… and it just looks nicer.

Take a look at the rest of her organizational hack finds here!

How to Organize Every Space in Your House

Now this post isn’t just a list of hacks, more like an awesome organizational cheat sheet list (with great pictures!). However, I really liked Abby’s (from A Girl and Her Blog) tip on…

Putting the items you use most in the most accessible space. She tells how she takes everything out of her pantry (or whatever space she’s cleaning), then puts it all back with the items she uses the most being the most easily grabbed.

Follow the rest of her awesome organizational guide here!

BONUS! Because I love surprises

27 Glorious Things That Will Save You So Much Money

Buzzfeed created an awesome list of things that will save you a lot of money, and my favorite ones by far are the..

Ethylene gas apples that will keep your fruit lasting longer. Ethylene is the ripening gas that fruit releases. And these apple shaped items will absorb it up so your fruit doesn’t go bad fast.

You can find the ethylene gas apples here.

Check out the rest of Buzzfeed’s items that will save you money here!

Free Printable Pantry Labels

Last but not least, I thought I’d give you a great find on printables so your storage containers look awesome!

Check out these printables by The Creativity Exchange here!

I really like finding awesome content and ideas out there that will help my readers, and if this post did just that or you have some home hacks yourself, let me know in the comments down below! I’d love to hear them!

Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.

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