So spring’s coming up pretty soon, which means it’s time to prep your clothes for warmer (and rainier) weather! And even if it’s not around springtime yet, these tips will definitely help you out at different times of the year. You never know when you’ll need them and when these hacks will come in handy.
Down below I found some awesome clothing tips and tricks, done by some great and creative bloggers. So feel free to check them out and let me know what you think (and don’t forget to check out the original source).
Waterproof Your Shoes
Found from Baby First Blog
The rainy season is coming up and it’s getting warm. Which means your warm season shoes (a.k.a. flats) are going to get soaked. Unless you try out this super handy waterproofing hack!
Unshrink Your Warmer Weather Shirts!
Found from Destination Decoration
If you have cotton shirts that need deshrinking now that the sun’s shining (cuz those things shrink like crazy), then definitely try out this hack!
Spring Shoes Too Small?
Found from Better Remade
If you just bought some new shoes for spring, but they’re just a bit too small, then try this shoe lengthening trick out.
Use a Pillowcase as a Dust Bag When Putting Away Winter Clothes
Found from The Krazy Coupon Lady
If you want to make sure your cold season clothes don’t get all dusty, then a pillowcase is a great way to keep it off.
Use Aerosol Hairspray to Get Rid of Static Cling
Found from The Krazy Coupon Lady
Lots of warmer weather clothing tends to get static cling, so you should definitely try this hairspray hack.
Get Rid of a Makeup Smudge with Shaving Cream
Found from The Krazy Coupon Lady
Lighter colors means springtime is here! It also means that your makeup smudges will show up more. So use shaving cream to get rid of it.
Prevent Armpit Stains with Panty Liners
Found from The Krazy Coupon Lady
Sounds kinda weird, but if you don’t want armpit stains showing up on your light spring clothing, then definitely try out this hack.
Use Shower Rings to Hang Up Your Light Spring Scarves (Or Store Your Winter Ones)
Found from The Krazy Coupon Lady
Whether you want to store away your winter scarves or display your spring ones, this is a really great tip!
Use Rubberbands to Help Prevent Your Tanktops from Falling Off
Found from The Krazy Coupon Lady
Let’s be honest, tanktops fall off of hangers really easily. But you can thankfully prevent that with rubberbands.
Crew Cuffs for Warmer Weather
Found from Who What Wear
If you want a cute new look for spring, then definitely try out this look. Keeps you cool as the temperature rises, and it’s super stylish!
There are a ton of a ways to prep your wardrobe for spring weather and thankfully there are creative bloggers out there that have shown you so many ways to do it. Seriously, some of these clothing hacks have really come in handy for me. They’ve helped me make my wardrobe last longer and have made things just a bit easier for me (as hacks should). And I really hope they help you out as well!
Now if you have any questions, just let me know in the comments down below! I’d love to help you out!
Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.
Question. When you compile these lists of hacks and what not – do you have to check with every blogger and get permission to use their stuff or what do you do? Just wondering! Thanks.
Hey Laura! As long as you give credit and link back to their original post, you don’t have to get their permission. 🙂