10 New Year’s Dessert Recipes That’er Actually Easy

Alright, so I’ve been wanting to do a couple New Year’s posts for a few weeks now, but it seems like other tasks and chores kept on popping up. So here we are! A couple weeks away and I’m now just giving you some great ideas on cool New Year’s recipes. Sorry guys.

Well better late than never right? So down below I’ve found some awesome dishes that might not be the healthiest, but they sure do taste and look great. So check out these recipes done by awesome bloggers and let me know what you think!

1. Glitter Dipped Fortune Cookie Party Favors

Found from Happiness is Homemade

I thought this was a great idea when it came to party favors.. also, it looks pretty tasty, so that’s a plus. These are such a great way to dress up your table!

2. New Year’s Even Chocolate Bark

Found from Broma Bakery

I’m pretty sure anything chocolate has my vote. And this chocolate bark looks almost too good to eat.. almost (sorry, not going that far).

3. Easy Champagne Cupcakes

Found from The First Year Blog

Now whether you drink or not, these champagne cupcakes are definitely great for everyone. So don’t worry too much about leaving them around the kids.. unless you just don’t want them to get a sugar high (that’s understandable).

4. Easy Nutella Cookie Roll-ups

Found from Pillsbury

Nutella… cookie roll-ups? These sound and look way too good. They’re also pretty easy, so nothing too time consuming.

5. Countdown Cupcakes

Found from Somewhat Simple

If you’re a cupcake and Oreo fan, then definitely try this recipe out. They’re super cute and super delicious!

6. Holiday S’mores Dipped in Edible Gold Sprinkles

Found from Elizabeth Anne Designs

I love s’mores, and I love this idea to turn them into a gourmet(ish?) dessert. It’s definitely an eye and taste bud pleaser.

7. Countdown Cookies

Found from I Am Baker

Now if you want a dessert recipe that’s really easy, then try these simple countdown cookies. They’re an awesome way to dress up the food table.

8. New Year’s Mini Parfaits

Found from Home is Where the Boat Is

I love parfaits, and I especially love these ones. They’re super pretty and creative!

9. Oreo Cookie Clocks

Found from Pint Sized Baker

Did someone say Oreo? Yep, these Oreo cookie clocks are super easy, cute, and delicious.

10. White Chocolate Dipped Cherries

Found from Simple Provisions

Now if you want to be healthy(ish?), then these white chocolate dipped cherries will make a great dessert. Pretty simple and definitely  an eye-pleaser.

All of these desserts look amazing, and I can’t wait for New Years to come so I can try some of them out.

I really tried to make sure I picked recipes people would actually want to try. I hate scrolling through a list of “50 Delicious and Beautiful Recipes” only to find that I wouldn’t make the majority of them. It was basically a waste of my time to look through a huge roundup.. yeah, not fun. So try a few of the recipe I found this New Year’s and let me know which one’s your favorite!

Now if you have any questions about these recipes, let me know in the comments down below! I’d love to help you out!

Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.

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