Credit to image used in pin goes to Ayana Putri. – Changes were made to the original image.
If you’re thinking of trying out a new diet program this new year, then why not try out the Whole 30 program? It’s a 30-day diet plan that resets your eating habits and cleans up your body. It focuses on only eating healthy natural foods, including meat, poultry, veggies, fruits, and nuts while ditching all the junk food that your body doesn’t need.
Sound good right? That’s why to help you get started, I’ve gathered some Whole 30 diet hacks that’ll keep you on track. These are tips and tricks that are perfectly for beginners. So check them out and let me know what you think!
Have an Egg Cup
As a general rule, you need to eat your breakfast before anything else. It’s the most important meal of the day and you should never skip it. And instead of having cereal or another sweet breakfast meal, try making egg cups. You just have to put your eggs in a muffin pan, add some leftovers veggies or meat and pop them in your oven. In a few minutes, you’ll have a tasty morning meal that’s super easy to make. Plus, if you’ve made a batch, you can freeze them and reheat the next morning.
Pre-Cut Veggies & Fruit
The moment you’ve reached your home after getting groceries, save yourself the hassle of a busy week and start cutting out and preparing your fruits and veggies in advance. Keep them in a container with lids and store them in your fridge. You’ll be happy when the hectic days come and your healthy snacks are ready (instead of eating something quick but unhealthy).
Infuse Your Water
Of course, water plays an important role in your Whole 30 diet plan. It hydrates your body without unwanted calories and aids in weight-loss. But did you know that water can also flush out toxins in your body?
Throw in some mint, strawberry, cucumber, lemons, orange or lime wedges and other herbs. It’s a great way to have a tasty drink and lose weight as well.
Always Have Tuna Packets
When you need some protein and run out of time to go to your nearest store, tuna packets are a great go-to. You can easily pair it with cauliflower rice, bean recipes, salad wraps, or whatever low carb meal you want. You can even have this for quick snack bites that will help fill you up. Plus, tuna is a great source of omega fatty acids, protein, and a ton of vitamins; so it’s a total win.
Batch Roast Vegetables
Who wouldn’t want to have a side of roasted vegetables with their meal right? I mean, it’s smoky and has a flavorful taste. But when busy days hit, it seems impossible to roast anything.
To fix this dilemma, consider roasting them in a large batch and store in your refrigerator. Veggies like carrots, cauliflowers, butternut squash and beets can be roasted in on big sheet pans and eaten later on. You can also add olive oil, salt, and pepper to enhance their flavor and make your meal amazing.
Use Your Slow Cooker
One of the easiest way to help you stay on track when on the Whole 30 diet, is by using your slow cooker. It’s a life saver especially when you don’t have time in the evenings to make foods. All you have to do is dump in your prepared crockpot recipes and leave all the work to your cooker.
Pre-Assemble Nuts
Instead of buying ready made trail mixes from stores, why not make your own and make it sure it’s healthy? It’s super easy to make and all you have to do is mix in all your favorite nuts, oats, dark chocolate, and unsweetened dried fruits. Pack them in small containers and bring them with you to work or school.
Make Healthy Snacks
You’ve decided to change your eating habits and have 30 days of clean eating. This also includes your snacks and skipping junk foods. So try baking kale, sweet potato and carrots chips as an alternative healthy snacks. You just have to slice them thinly, add some salt and pepper to taste and pop into your oven. In a few minutes, these healthy snacks will be done and you’ll have something to munch on.
Try Healthy Oil Substitues
Canola oil can be a super cheap go-to, but it’s definitely not healthy. So make sure you’re using things like avocado and coconut oil; they’re packed with so many nutrients instead of empty calories. It also works well with your roasted recipes and even salads.
No matter what you want to achieve this new year, having a healthy and fit body is always a valuable thing. It increases your confidence and gives your body more energy. So try out these Whole 30 Diet hacks and let me know what you think! I’d love to hear how your weight loss plan goes.
Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.