6 Clever Tips That’ll Help Make You a Fashion Pro

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We all know that the morning selfie of girls on Instagram with the hashtag #nomakeup is pretty irritating.

But for some people, they can actually just look THAT good. And that’s just because a lot of work goes into their beauty.

And just like their beauty, a LOT of work goes into their fashion. So let’s find out what their secret style-weapon tips are that make them look amazing at all times.

Quick Tip

If you want to add something to your drinks and food that keeps your skin looking younger, repairs your body (after working out), AND gives you energy throughout the day, then I would seriously recommend collagen protein powder which you can check out here.

ALSO, this brand is specifically great since it’s flavorless (which is awesome since I hate adding things that make my favorite drinks and food taste horrible). So I would definitely check it out here and see how you feel and look after using it for a little while.

1. Messy Buns

Has it ever happen to you where you roll up your hair in a bun while cooking, and it turns out perfect, but not when you’re getting ready for a night out?

Well here’s how some girls do it: use texture spray before tying up your hair to nail the look.

2. Heels

Heels give you a confidence boost as soon as you slip into them. It makes your body look toned and your posture corrected which gives a good impression when you’re meeting up with a client or just going on a first date.

However, make sure they’re comfortable, so your feet aren’t aching when you take them off.

3. Sunglasses

Save up and get a good pair of sunglasses that go well with your face shape. These aren’t just to protect your eyes from sun-rays (which is very important) but also to hide your dark circles from working late last night or if you didn’t have time to put on makeup.

4. Leather leggings

Truth be told, leather leggings can be hard to pull off, but if you’re the kind of person who loves to experiment, then go ahead and buy a pair!

5. Be Bold

Certain girls are not afraid to play with colors and patterns. So start mixing and matching and testing different pieces to get a look that pops

6. Find a relatable role model

Follow the fashion model (on sites like Instagram) whose style game makes sense to you. It’s very important to know what you like and how you’d want to pull off a look. 

These tips aren’t difficult and can be pretty fun once you’ve got the hang of things. So give them a try and let us know how it goes.

Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.

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