7 Bad Habits of People Who Are (Always) Unhappy

Silas & Grace

Woman lying down on a bed.

There’s always that one person who seems like they’ll never be happy.

Nothing will ever be right for them or go their way.

And it can be extremely exhausting. You want to be close and encourage them, but it feels like nothing you can do will help them.

They’re always bound to find something wrong with their situation (or you).

And if you’re curious about what makes these people very unhappy, and what habits they’ve developed to get them to this place, then here’s what might be going on.

1. Complaining

Woman complaining on the phone.

It doesn’t matter if you’re meeting up for a coffee date or visiting them for the holidays, they’re gonna complain.

They’ll find something big to complain about, and if it’s not there, they’ll have multiple small things to be frustrated with.

Read More: 8 Habits of Women Who Are Always Attractive (It’s Not What You Think)

Even if there are good things going on in the day, their mind will tend to dwell on the negative.

And that’s why it’s so important for anyone to be on the lookout for this. Try finding the good in things, otherwise, it might become easier over time to complain more often.

2. Comparison

A man looking sad.

Comparison is such an easy way to be unhappy.

Someone is always going to have something you want, and when you focus on this, the more negative things will appear.

It’s so important that we all find ways to be grateful for what we have so that we’re not taking from our own happiness.

3. They Focus on Negative Outcomes

A woman sitting on the couch and being sad.


I’ve been here and it’s something I’m trying to grow in as well.

And people who are unhappy have had years of practice when it comes to focusing on negative outcomes.

Read More: 7 Habits of Couples Who Are (Actually) in a Happy Relationship

When an event takes place or there’s uncertainty, their mind races (sometimes) to the worst possible outcome.

And if you find yourself doing this, then take some time to think through the different moments where things just worked out for you.

How many times did your worst fears end up happening?

4. They’re Petty

A woman staring off.

It feels like they can’t let things go.

They remind themselves of the negative things someone has done to them (knowingly or unknowingly).

And then years later they’re finding ways to make someone feel small and taking their frustration out on them in some way.

5. Blaming Others for Their Problems

A woman pointing her finger at someone.

Instead of looking at how they can take responsibility, they’re pointing their finger at someone else.

Someone else should have done their part better. They’re almost never at fault.

And if they are, it wasn’t really that big of a deal.

Being around this kind of person can be incredibly difficult.

6. They Have Toxic Friend Groups

A woman hugging a pillow.

They’re regularly finding themselves in an unhappy state of mind because of who they’re around.

Their friends are almost always finding small ways to tear them down and talk behind their back.

And if you have negative friends, just know that you deserve better! You don’t need to waste another year on these people.

7. They’re Judgmental

A man looking distressed and focusing on something.

We all do it. Judging others can be so easy to do.

And for those who tend to be unhappy, it seems like they’re doing it more often.

And being around this kind of person is very difficult. You don’t know what they’re going to judge you (or others) for next.

7 Habits of Women Who Are Always Attractive

Woman sitting on a couch.

The women who are always attractive have some amazing habits that might actually surprise you!

And it’s not what you think!

Read Here: 7 Habits of Women Who Are Always Attractive

9 Habits of Women Who Are Almost Always Happy

Woman sitting on the ground in a pair of jeans and blouse.

If you wanna know what’s making these women almost always happy, then definitely read on!

These tips are actually pretty helpful!

Read Here: 9 Habits of Women Who Are Almost Always Happy

Featured Wellness

Silas & Grace

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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