Fridges can get pretty messy and pretty gross, and it’s not really avoidable. I mean they’re holding drinks and perishables, so I suppose it’s a given. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make the fridge easier to deal with. And that’s why I decided to find some awesome hacks that will help you keep it clean. Also, forgetting about foods that can go bad isn’t great for the wallet either, so these tips will do you well.
Now down below I found some awesome tips from great blogger’s lists on fridge hacks. I love finding ideas from other bloggers and sharing them with my readers. And I especially love sharing the links to their lists so my readers have the opportunity to read even more tips and tricks. So check out the hacks down below and feel free to click through to the lists to read even more ideas!
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Eat Me First Box
Found from Sunlit Spaces: See Source Below
If you have trouble keeping track of your perishables, then this is a great way to make sure you use up anything that could go bad first.
Lazy Susan
Found from Big Chill: See Source Below
A fun way to keep things organized and easy to grab is by adding a Lazy Susan to your fridge. And whether you want to use it for your condiments or jarred goods, it will definitely make things more accessible.
Glue Magnets to the Bottoms of Containers
Found from The Krazy Coupon Lady: See Source Below
A fun (and kinda cute?) way to to add more space to your kitchen is to glue magnets to the bottom of containers. Gives you the option to stuff more things in the refrigerator during Thanksgiving than it already can.
Freeze Herbs in Olive Oil
Found from Lydi Out Loud: See Source Below
Alright so this is more of a food hack, but I couldn’t not share it. I mean you are using your fridge to save herbs that’ll go bad, which will save you money. So I think it’s worth sharing.
Egg Carton Squeeze Bottle Organization
Found from Listotic: See Source Below
If you want a way to save money and get the most out of your condiments, then try placing them upside down in an egg carton. That’s recycling right?
Use Magnets for Kid’s Cups
Found from One Crazy House: See Source Below
Now if you have kids, this is a handy one. It keeps kids from using too many cups and it makes them easy to reach so there are less messes.
Fridge Liners
Found from One Crazy House: See Source Below
So if you’re tired of drinks spilling or sauces getting everywhere, this is a super easy way to clean up messes and save yourself some time.
Now whether you’re a parents trying to keep up with your kid’s messes or you want to save money by using the last of the ketchup bottle, there are plenty of fridge hacks to use. It may be one of the least fun places to clean, but thankfully there are plenty of ways to keep it a “once in awhile” chore.
Now if you have any fridge hacks yourself, let me know in the comments down below! I’d love to hear about them!
Eat Me First Box: Sunlit Spaces
Lazy Susan: Big Chill – Link opens up to their homepage now; blog post no longer exists.
Magnet Containers: The Krazy Coupon Lady
Freeze Herbs in Olive Oil: Lydi Out Loud
Egg Carton Squeeze Bottle: Listotic
Magnets for Kid’s Cups: One Crazy House
Fridge Liners: One Crazy House
Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.
I have a coated wire shelf (the kind made for kitchen cabinets) that basically doubles the storage of my highest refrigerator shelf. It’s great for doubling the amount of things like yogurt containers that I can store in the same footprint.
That’s so cool Lisa!
Thank you so much for this! My fridge is a MESS!!! It is eating my brain cells! These are some great ideas!