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Whether you’ve just started the Keto Diet or you’re thinking about it, it’s always good to know what you can and can’t have, especially when it comes to drinks. They’re so easy to consume without even thinking about it, so it’s always important to make sure you know what is good for you when on the Keto Diet.
So check these Keto drinks out!
Quick Important Note:
If you want an AWESOME guide that’ll help you lose weight (even when you’re eating out), then check out Eat This, Not That! here.
Basically… you don’t need to diet to lose weight and can STILL go to McDonald’s.
1. Almond Milk
Can you drink milk on a Keto Diet? (This link explores that question!) But it goes without saying for the time being that almond milk is a GREAT way to get the nutrients you need without dousing your system full of carbs and sugars.
Side Note!
Hey, also want to know the 10 habits of people who never gain weight (it’s not what you think!)? Click here to check them out!
2. Cow’s Milk
If you’re really not crazy about non-dairy milk and HAVE to drink dairy milk, make sure to get full-fat cow’s milk. And only drink it sparingly.
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, drink low-fat dairy milk on Keto.
Related Topics
7 Things You Should Never Drink on the Keto Diet
11 Super Easy Hacks That’ll Make Being on the Keto Diet so Much Easier
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3. Coffee
Having 0 carbs, you can indulge in coffee with a splash of milk, which is great if you feel like a zombie in the morning!
4. Butter Coffee
Speaking of coffee, adding butter to your coffee is great when you’re on the Keto Diet. You need to make sure you’re adding in the right amount of fat into your diet, and butter is a great way to do that!
5. Matcha
For people who love their Matcha lattes from Starbucks, you can make your own at home with some milk (just make sure to add milk in moderation!).
6. Bone Broth
It’s quite comforting to drink a cup of broth that is not only easy to digest, but is also rich in protein and nutrients that your body needs. So make sure to stock up on this!
7. Sparkling Water
This is an awesome way to drink your water especially if you can’t have sugary drinks! It helps give you that satisfaction that sodas give you without the added calories.
In conclusion, the Keto Diet is a great way to lose weight, and if you want to make it as effective as possible, then definitely add these drinks to your grocery list! They’ll help you stay on track!
Now you’re done, make sure to check out these keto drinks you should NOT drink!
Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.