7 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks That’ll Make Your Life So Much Easier

Credit to image used in pin goes to Perry Goh, Aqua Mechanical, and Max Pixel.- Changes were made to the original image.

Whether it’s already spring or winter, it’s always a great time to clean your bathroom. And it’s not just good to keep things organized, but also for keeping you and your family away from germs and viruses that may cause sickness.

And that’s why today I decided to create a list of some time-saving and effective cleaning hacks that you can use for your bathroom. The fact that it’s one of the most used rooms in your house means it’s guaranteed to get dirty and messy. So to lessen the mess, here are some easy and quick ways to get the bathroom clean in a hurry.

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Use Vinegar To Clean A Shower Head

Photo by Chasing Foxes

You might be starting to notice hard water stains on your shower head. They look gross and unpleasant, and you’re probably wondering how to get rid of them as soon as possible. So as a quick solution, try to clean them by using a plastic bag and vinegar.

Fill your plastic bag with distilled white vinegar, submerge your shower head in the bag, tie and hold it in place. Let the shower head sit in this mixture overnight and do its magic. In the morning, take the bag off of the shower head and wipe off the gunk using a wet cloth. You should now have a nice clean shower head!

Clean Splatters on the Mirror with Tea

Did you know that a strongly brewed black tea can clean splatters from your bathroom mirror? The tannic acid in black tea acts as a cleaning agent to dissolve dirt, grease, and grime. Dip a clean, lint-free cloth into brewed tea and wipe down your mirrors. You can also transfer the tea to a spray bottle for a quick cleaning.

Turns out that your favorite black tea is not just good for drinking, but for cleaning your bathroom mirrors as well!

Get Rid of Grout & Dirt with this Cleaning Solution

Even if you regularly sweep and mop your floor, you’re probably going to get dirt and grout on them. But luckily there’s an easy way to get rid of them without using harsh chemical cleaners.

All you need to have is a mixture of 1/4 cup of bleach and 3/4 cup of baking soda to make a cleaning solution. Stir until you’ve created a paste mixture and apply to the dirty tiles. Use an old toothbrush to do the scrub work and let it sit for a minute. Wipe it clean after and you’ll have a mess free floor.

All-Natural Toilet Cleaner

As you know, I love sharing all-natural cleaners with you, and it’s because they’re cheaper, eco-friendly, and easy to make.

And to keep your toilet clean and fresh, I suggest you buy vinegar and baking soda from the store. Mix them in a jar and pour directly into the bowl. Then let the mixture sit for 15 minutes, scrub, and flush.

Scrub Your Bathtub

You knew grapefruits were good for your health but who knew they could help make your bathroom clean? You just have to cut a grapefruit in half and sprinkle it with salt. Wet your tub and put more salt on the bottom. Then use the fruit as a scrubber and run it along the entire surface. Give it a nice scrub until you’ve got rid of all the grime and grit. If you don’t have grapefruit at home, lemon or lime will do the trick too!

Shine Your Faucet with Baby Oil

With overtime use, your faucet can get spots and stains that can’t be removed by water and soap. So to make your faucet new again, seal it with a thin layer of baby oil using a cloth. A few drops of oil will do and help prevent water spots in the future. Do this tip particularly for your chrome or stainless steel finishes.

Remove Soap Scum with a Dryer Sheet

If you have a glass door in your shower room, then you probably know the pain of removing soap scum from it. But this should not be an issue anymore. Here’s a simple and easy hack to clean your glass door.

Take a dryer sheet and rub it over all the soap scum on your glass shower doors. Then rinse it several times and wiped it down good.

Though your bathroom can be the smallest room in your home, it can still easily get dirty and filthy in no time. So implement these tips and tricks for your next cleaning day to simplify your tasks. Seriously, there’s no need to spent much time and effort in cleaning your bathroom, so give them a try and let me know what you think.

Now if you have any questions about these bathroom cleaning hacks, just let me know in the comments down below! I’d love to help you out!

Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.

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