So I’m a very artsy person, hence why I really wanted to do this post. I love holidays and I love cute greetings, and I think these are a perfect way to help celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. And even if you don’t have that special someone in your life just yet, any of these could be used for close friends or even someone you admire secretly (too far?).
Down below are some awesome printables and DIY projects that’ll brighten up anyone’s day. So take a look and let me know what you think!
“I Donut Know What I’d Do Without You” Printables
Found from Eighteen 25
I love minnie doughnuts and I think these are just adorable. It’s a simple project that’ll be sure to impress or put a smile on the one you admire.
Candy Arrows
Found from A Subtle Revelry
Now this could be a fun one for you and your kid to make.. Unless you don’t want them to get their hands on sugar. If that’s the case, then just hide the candy from them.
“I Need S’more Friends Like You” Printables
Found from Little Peanut
Another fun one for kids and their friends! S’mores are basically kid’s favorite treat, so I’m definitely in favor of this one.
Beary Love Valentine Card DIY
Found from Cupcake Cutiees
These printables are so adorable, also.. they make for a quick and tasty snack.
“Whale You Be My Valentine” Printables
Found from Bakerella
These cookies are SO CUTE. I’m in love with them and I insist that you make them! And send some to me so I can share in the tastiness.
“I’m ‘Beary’ Happy You’re in my Class!” Printables
Found from C.R.A.F.T.
Now this is a great one for teachers to give to their students. The blogger who created this also has one for students to give to their teacher at the bottom (just so ya know).
“Donut Forget I Love You”
Found from The 36th Avenue
More dougnuts! Because sugar, cute colors, and Valentine’s Day just go together.
“You’re a Gem” Printables
Found from Bloom Designs Online
If you’re into bright colors and sugar stones, then you definitely need to try his one. Super easy and an eye pleaser!
Whether you’ve been a Valentine’s Day person in the past or not, there’s always a good time to get fun and creative with your gifts and wishes. Seriously, even if it’s not your thing, these DIY projects just look like so much fun to do. And not to mention that you’d definitely impress quite a few people.
Now if you have any questions about these printables, just let me know! I’d be happy to help you out!
Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.
Love these !
Please send me the valentines gummy tags
Hey Sandy, I just checked it out for you! She says this in her blog post (when you click on the link to check it out), “To download the free printable gummy bear Valentines, enter your name and email address below and the free file will be delivered to your inbox!” So basically just find the place where there’s an email sign-up to get the printable freebie and you’ll get gummy bear printable you want. I hope that helps!
Hi, not sure how to print? Looking at the gummy bear one. Thank you!
I just checked it out for you! She says this in her blog post, “To download the free printable gummy bear Valentines, enter your name and email address below and the free file will be delivered to your inbox!” So basically just find the place where there’s an email sign up to get the printable freebie and you’ll get gummy bear printable you want. I hope that helps!
Great Ideas