8 Easy Sewing Hacks Every Crafty Person Should Know

I’m a super crafty person, but I’m not a pro at everything DIY. And when it comes to sewing, I need all the hacks I can get. I’m a perfectionist, so if I feel like I won’t be able to keep a straight line when sewing or my stitches will come undone, I get a bit nervous. But thankfully there are plenty of bloggers out there who have found some awesome tips to help us out.

So whether you’re new to sewing or a seasoned professional wanting to find something new, I’ve accumulated some hacks from awesome lists created by great bloggers. I picked out what tips I thought were the best and then included a link at the bottom for my readers to see the rest of the list. Why do I do this? Well, I love giving my readers the option to click through and see even more awesome hacks and giving credit to the bloggers I found the tips from. So take a look at what I have and feel free to see what others have found as well at the bottom!

Installing a Basic Zipper


Found from Notedlist: See Source Below

Alright, so it seems like a given that anyone who sews should know how to install a zipper. But there are plenty of people (like me) who are lost on the art. So the blogger from Notedlist found an awesome tutorial for doing just that.

Organizing Embroidery Floss


Found from DIY Joy: See Source Below

Now this is one creative and colorful way to organize and store your embroidery floss. Definitely an eyecatcher!

Knowing How to do Ruffles


Found from DIY Joy: See Source Below

Alright so the original tutorial for this shows you how to make a ruffle shower curtain, but to be honest, I think this is going to show you a lot on making ruffles. So even if you don’t want to make a shower curtain (even if it looks as awesome as this), you can test out your ruffle skills on some fabric.

Hairspray Your Thread


Found from Sunlit Spaces: See Source Below

Now if you have any trouble with sticking the thread into the eye of the needle, just spray it with some hairspray to get the tip to stay straight.

Get a Seam Measuring Gauge


Found from Ebay: See Source Below

Having trouble knowing how to measure your seams on the sewing machine? Well a blogger on Ebay gives seven awesome sewing tools to help crafty people like you out.

Kate Spade Inspired Key Fobs


Found from DIY Joy: See Source Below

Alright so this isn’t really a hack, but it’s definitely helpful when trying to find your keys. Also.. it’s just too pretty not too share. Am I right?

Steel Wool Pincushion


Found from My List of Lists: See Source Below

Okay, so having steel wool inside of a super cute pin cushion serves two purposes. While it’s keeping your needles in place, it’s also sharpening them. Super cool right?

Hem Your Jeans and Keep the Original Hem


Found from Picky Stitch: See Source Below

Now if you’re not 5’8 like me and you have a pair of jeans you really like but they’re too long, don’t worry! This blogger found an awesome tutorial on how to hem your jeans but still keep the original hem. Seriously helpful!

Alright, so with a few tips and hacks in mind (and a whole lot more sources to go by, I hope I was able to give you some great ideas for getting started on new projects. Sewing can look pretty tricky, but with a few tricks yourself, it can become easy. Also, practice doesnt’ hurt.

Now if you have any sewing tips and tricks yourself, let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear about them!


Installing a Basic Zipper: Notedlist

Organizing Embroidery Floss: DIY Joy

Knowing How to do Ruffles: DIY Joy

Hairspray your Thread: Sunlit Spaces

Seam Measuring Gauge: Ebay

Kate Spade Inspired Key Fobs: DIY Joy

Steel Wool Pincushion: My List of Lists

Hem Your Jeans and Keep the Original Hem: Picky Stitch

Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.

20 thoughts on “8 Easy Sewing Hacks Every Crafty Person Should Know”

  1. These hacks are awesome! I’ve been a sewist since I was 12 and I’m always learning new things from ya’ll! I turn 80 in September….

  2. At 6:40 a.m. your blog is exciting me! I’m looking forward to more great hints and information. Thanks for taking the time to help all of us.


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