Home Tips: 8 Hydrogen Peroxide Hacks You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

If you’re finding that you need some new tips and tricks to help make your house cleaning easier, then Hydrogen Peroxide is a great staple to have in your home. It can do so much and it’s super affordable. I only knew that it was good for cleaning certain cooking appliances and even whitening teeth, but now I’ll be using it for so much more!

Down below I found some awesome hacks where you can easily use Hydrogen Peroxide. They’re all done by awesome bloggers, so be sure to check out the original sources, try them out, and let me know what you think!

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Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Found from Apartment Therapy

A bowl of hydrogen peroxide is a super easy and effective way to clean your makeup brushes.

DIY Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Found from Popsugar

If you want to save money and/or really want to make sure you’re using toxin-free products, then definitely try out this super easy to make DIY toilet bowl cleaner!

Speed Up Your Cleaning with a Spray Cap

Found from Listotic

If you use hydrogen peroxide religiously for cleaning (or even just sometimes), then definitely try a spray cap to make things faster and easier.

Carpet Stain Remover

Found from Kids Activities Blog

Whether you have kids or not, this is definitely a great cleaning hack to try! Especially if you have a landlord and want make sure you don’t get fined.

All Natural Bleach

Found from Don’t Waste the Crumbs

This is just another great all-natural DIY cleaning recipe to make sure you’re not putting toxins into your home.

Clean Your Toothbrush

Found from The Dental Check

If you want to clean out your toothbrush after being sick (or maybe you’re a bit of a germaphobe), then try cleaning it with hydrogen peroxide.

Clean Your Ears Out

Found from Instructables

Sometimes we need to make sure we’re attending to our physical maintenance, and if your ears need some cleaning out, then definitely try this easy hack.

Make Your Baking Sheets New Again

Found from One Good Thing by Jillee

Baking sheets can get really caked with burnt food and such, but this DIY cleaning project will help you take care of it quickly. Check it out!

Sometimes we all need an easy and quick hack for cleaning, especially since many of us don’t like it very much. And thankfully there are plenty of bloggers out there that have found ways to use cheap and toxin-free products like hydrogen peroxide to make life easier.

You don’t have to spend time and a ton of money on store cleaning products, all you have to do is look into your cupboards and pull out ingredients you probably already have.

Now if you have any questions about this post, let me know in the comments down below! I’d love to help you out!

Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.

4 thoughts on “Home Tips: 8 Hydrogen Peroxide Hacks You’ve Probably Never Heard Of”

  1. All are good except the ear…the cheical way hydogen peroxcide works is like corrossion. So when used in the ear or other skin it can leave scar tissue. Truth. Google it. But great for cleaning and you can get food grade and use internally!

  2. Where are the instructions for use? How much do I need to use for cleaning cookie sheets and is there a lot of scrubbing involved with this method?


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