We understand that celebrities make a lot of money, yet they vary in their effectiveness at KEEPING that money.
And below, I’m going to share with you ten tips from famous people who have managed to avoid debt and disaster, as well as increase their wealth. Their wisdom is extremely helpful, so definitely check them out and let us know what you think!
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Oprah Winfrey
Oprah recommends you treat money as an energy exchange. You may get paid, but remember you are giving up time and providing a service to do so. If you don’t enjoy it or feel you’re using too much energy, mental or physical, for the role, then it may be wise to look elsewhere.
Justin Bieber
I know, I bet you didn’t expect to see him here. But his advice is sound, “I learned that whether you have $100 or $100 million, if you spend more than you have, you’re gonna go broke.” He’s right. You can’t spend more than you have, and if you find the means to, such as with loans or credit cards, you’ll only end up worse off. So instead, it’s important to budget the money you do have accordingly.
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So whether you want to increase your income, get out of debt, or just some simple saving tips, I've got you covered!
Martin Lewis
Martin Lewis still uses vouchers and finds ways to save money in his day-to-day life. By using vouchers and finding deals, he ensures that his bank balance always stays healthy, rather than spending his cash on overpriced items and going into debt.
Nicki Minaj
Nicki may be doing well now, but she still makes sure she’s getting paid for what she’s worth. She takes pride in what she does and keeps track of others’ wage. And if she believes that she’s being underpaid, she WILL speak out and advises others to never feel ashamed if they ask for more money when they work hard and are competent in their role.
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer believes that having money means you also need to have respect and understand the value of something. She feels that while she could afford a $6 Snickers from a minibar, it would be ridiculous to do so (it’s just not worth that much). So just because you have the money to buy something right now, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. So definitely think things through before you make a purchase.
Snoop Dogg
No, I’m not making this up. Snoop Dogg has sound money advice. He stated in an interview that he was pushed to excel from basic math to calculus in school and advises others that “If you stop at general math, you’re only going to make general math money.” Snoop suggests that if you push yourself to attain a higher educationally, or better career training, then you’re probably going to make a lot more money. Back to the books then!
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Slaying vampires isn’t all she does. Apparently, Sarah’s also great with money! She says she uses coupons all the time, “Why should you pay more for something that someone else is paying less for?” And we couldn’t agree with Sarah more.
Jenny Slate
Parks and Recreation star, Jenny, gave two interesting pieces of advice in an interview when discussing buying a new TV. Firstly, she questioned if she REALLY needed one. This is sound advice for all people; to look at needs rather than wants so they save money. Secondly, she also felt shame in asking family for money as a child. Due to this, she hasn’t fallen into any debt. Living within your means and sacrificing wants can get you far.
Alan Rickman
While the late Alan Rickman terrified children with his portrayal of Severus Snape, the real man had some sage advice he would give his 16-year-old self. “Make your own unique messes, and then work your own way out of them.” While not strictly a money tip, this one is vital for all to learn when it comes to finances. If you have money troubles, it’s up to you to fix them. Whether this means taking a second job, selling possessions, or sacrificing non-essential purchases, you should be able to find a way out. Resilience and self-reliance are vital when dealing with money.
Simple tips from nine money-smart celebrities. None of these take a lot from you, but they’ll definitely have a drastic impact on how you manage your money and keep you from running into problems. So definitely stick to these and you’ll start seeing changes in your life soon.
Join my EXCLUSIVE email list for money saving and making hacks!
Here I'll give you some of the best tips and hacks I have for making and saving money.
So whether you want to increase your income, get out of debt, or just some simple saving tips, I've got you covered!
Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.