8 Brilliant Beauty Hacks Every Girl Should Know

Since many of you really liked the beauty tips that I’ve found before, I thought I’d do another search for some awesome makeup and hygiene hacks. As girls, there’s a lot to remember when we want to look and feel our best, so any tips and tricks will help (especially when we don’t always have the time to spend an hour in the bathroom). So down below, I found some great hacks from other bloggers who found some awesome ideas.

I love finding other people’s lists of tips and hacks and sharing them with my readers. And I especially love giving you guys the link to the list I found them from. It gives you guys the opportunity to see even more great sources from awesome bloggers. So check out what I’ve found and head to the bottom if you want to see even more!

Use a Lip Brush to Apply Mascara to Lower Lashes


Found from Buzzfeed: See Source Below

I think applying mascara to the bottom lashes is one of the hardest things to do. You think you’ve got it until the wand barely touches your skin and then it’s everywhere. And don’t even get me started if you have to sneeze; it looks like you just became the Joker. But that’s what lip brushes are for apparently; making mascara just a little easier to apply.

Heat Proof Summer Beauty – Victoria’s Secret Tinted Moisturizer


Found from Hairspray & Highheels: See Source Below

Whether it’s hot right now or not, I think we can all agree that makeup that’s not going to melt off our skin is basically a need. I have an oily face, so this find, from Hairspray & Highheels, is definitely a saver.

Use Hydrogen Peroxide to Lighten Your Hair


Found from Wrapped in Rust: See Source Below

If you want some easy highlights, just do an equal parts (50/50) mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water. Then spray it on your hair, let it dry, and repeat daily until your hair is where you want it. Super simple right?

Use a Lighter Eyeliner on the Bottom Lid


Found from Listotic: See Source Below

If you want your eyes to pop, use a little bit of eyeliner on your bottom lid, but make sure it’s a lighter color. And go ahead and use a nude color on your tear duct to make your eyes look even bigger. It’s definitely a look that will make you stand out (in the good way).

Put Deodorant on the Bridge of Your Nose


Found from One Crazy House: See Source Below

If the sun just isn’t letting up and it’s getting pretty hot out, apply deodorant to the bridge of your nose to keep it from getting shiny (clear deodorant I’d assume).

Use Petroleum Jelly to Avoid Mascara Clumps


Found from Society 19: See Source Below

Ever in a rush in the morning and trying to get your mascara just right when it decides to clump? Yeah, not fun. But that’s why petroleum jelly is so handy (usually known as the brand name Vaseline). Apply a little to your lashes before putting on mascara, and you’ll be sure to avoid clumps.

Silverware Divider for the Bathroom


Found from The Cottage Market: See Source Below

Whether you want to use a silverware divider for your hygiene or makeup, this is a great way to keep things organized and easy to reach. Definitely great, especially if you’re in a rush in the morning and don’t feel like digging through your drawer to find that one thing you need.

Get Free Samples of Almost Any Product in Sephora


Found from The Krazy Coupon Lady: See Source Below

Now I definitely count this as a beauty hack. When you go to Sephora, just ask for a sample of their foundations, perfumes, powders, and even lipstick. Then you’ll have some free makeup on the go without dropping forty bucks out the door.

I’ve found that many of these beauty hacks really do work. It’s so handy when you have just a few tricks up your sleeve to make things a little easier (or save yourself some money). Being a girl can get complicated (unless you super low maintenance, then props to you my fine lady), so check out the rest of the hacks from these awesome bloggers, and be sure to let me know in the comments below if you have any makeup tips yourself! I’d love to hear about them!


Apply Mascara to Lower Lashes with Lip Brush: Buzzfeed

Victoria’s Secret Tinted Moisturizer: Hairspray & Highheels – Site is no longer available.

Lighten Your Hair With Hydrogen Peroxide: Wrapped in Rust

Use Lighter Eyeliner on Lower Lid: Listotic

Put Deodorant on the Bridge of Your Nose: One Crazy HouseLink goes to homepage of their site; the blog post is no longer available.

Avoid Clumps with Petroleum Jelly: Society 19

Silverware Divider for the Bathroom: The Cottage Market

Get Free Makeup Samples at Sephora: The Krazy Coupon Lady

Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.

26 thoughts on “8 Brilliant Beauty Hacks Every Girl Should Know”

  1. I use old contact case to mix my foundation with matte drops or highlight drops. When I need to mix 2 different color foundations i use that also, can mix whatever you need in it and your able to keep it covered and make a few days worth of whatever you need to mix in them. And they are easy to wash out. Yes you can virutally mix ANYTHING in them!

  2. If you leave them in the little ziplock baggies the samples last much longer. Also the writing on the baggies helps to keep the samples identifiable.

  3. Please remember that those Sephora samples are only really good for three days. The containers they put the samples in are not airtight and can change the consistency and color of the makeup. It will affect the consistency, wear time, and some times cause a reaction. It’s kinda of the equivelent of putting leftover food in plasticware. Same with fragrance. Most fragrances come in glass containers. If you put fragrance in plastic vials, the plastic just absorbs the oils and changes the true scent. Best samples will be ones that have been prepackaged. Not ones made in store unless you plan to test them out immediately.

  4. I’ve been reading a few of your blogs today, for the first time. I absolutely love that you mentioned praying and being thankful to God for His help in the start of your business. What an inspiration. I’ve been wanting to start a blog now for a couple of years. Sounds like there’s no better time than the present. “Why put off for tomorrow what you can get done today?”

  5. I have used eyeshadow and a wet (from water) eyeshadow brush to have my shadow stay on all day. I also use the wet brush for lining my eyes.

    • There’s a link to it at the bottom. This post is a compilation of many other posts pertaining to the same subject. I love finding awesome lists of tips and hacks done by great bloggers so I can share them with my readers. 🙂

  6. My go to hack is to use a lip liner brush as an eye liner brush moistened with water. You can use any eyeshadow and control the width


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