99 Heartfelt Happy Anniversary Messages That Are Perfect for Your Card

It doesn't matter if you've been dating for 1 year or married for seven, having a romantic anniversary message will always be a great way to commemorate your relationship and romance.

Wedding photo with a happy anniversary message on it.

There are few things in this world more sentimental than an anniversary date. If you’ve got a sweetheart of your own, then you know this to be true!

That first trip around the sun as a new couple feels special on its own.

Though, if you’ve been married to each other for some decades now, then you know it only gets more magical as time goes on.

Either way, each anniversary you and your significant other spend together should be treated with delicacy, and a perfect way to start is by writing them a heartfelt anniversary message.

This could be in the form of an anniversary card, a text, or even out loud—but however you choose to get the message across is fine!

If you’re crossing this milestone soon, but find yourself at a loss of words, don’t fret—we have a list of happy anniversary quotes or messages created for you. You’ll be sure to find the perfect thing to say!

Anniversary Messages in this Article:

What to Write in an Anniversary Card

Giving your partner a card for your anniversary might sound like an obvious thing to do. Maybe it is, but it can still be one of the most treasured actions—especially if they are one to store them for years to come. So, writing a thoughtful message (you know, one that includes a personal flare of wishes, words, and everything in between) is a great way to celebrate your anniversary. Anyone in need of inspiration on what to write in an anniversary card can take some from this list of ideas:

  • An Inside Joke: Kicking things off with a lighthearted joke is never a bad idea—especially if you fell for your partner for their sense of humor! Make it even more personal by including an inside joke instead—so that it’s something you both relate to.
  • A Loving Memory: The best part about relationships is getting to create beautiful memories with each other. Recounting your favorite ones in a card can help add to the emotional factor of it all—whether it be a romantic, funny, or even a seemingly mundane one.
  • Reasons You Are Grateful: It’s simple: you are probably more than happy that you get to do this whole life thing with your sweetheart. Tell them that! Words can go a long way, and this is a great place to start, especially if you have specific things you are appreciative of.
  • Sweet Compliments: You obviously have a list of things you love about ‘em. (It’s why you’re together in the first place!) Take this time to write a complement in your card. You know, something you deeply admire about them—whether it’s their kind and quirky persona, the way they crinkle their noise when they laugh, or… anything! This will really show that you notice all of the small and big things about them.
  • Future Vows: Anniversaries are great, because they admire the time you’ve spent together, but also honor what’s to come. Go ahead and express your desire to continue make those sweet memories (you can get specific about what you’re looking forward to as well). Though, also make sure to reinforce that you’re willing to work through any challenges that may come your way, because that’s what growing together is all about.
  • A Poem or Quote: Sometimes, the words you are looking for have already been written in a love poem, song lyric, or quote of some sort. Find one that best resonates with your feelings or your person. Or, you could even include a passage of something you both loved reading together—just to add that sentimental flare.
  • A Loving Sign-Off: Close it all off with a heartfelt anecdote. One more time, just reassure your honey that you do love them. This will add on to the warm feelings they’ll experience when they read your card.

Remember, it’s important to make this card right for *you both*, so make sure you’re not overthinking, but instead finding inspiration from within. After reading the sweet messages you wrote in their card, they’ll know how much they mean to you.

Romantic Anniversary Quotes

Send a reminder to your significant other that you’ll always be in love with them using one of these anniversary quotes. These romantic messages and sentiments will make them feel special whether it’s written in a card or sent in a thoughtful text.

Romanitc anniversary quote.
  • “You’re my number one, my best friend, my better half, and the love of my life. Happy anniversary, baby.”
  • “You’re my everything and all I’ve ever wanted in a partner for life. Thank you for being mine. Happy anniversary.”
  • “You will always be the love of my life. I’m so happy I met you! Happy anniversary, love!”
  • “Even after years of knowing you, my love just keeping on getting stronger. Here’s to another happy anniversary!”
  • “Thank you for saying yes all those years ago. I don’t know why I’m so blessed.”
  • “You really caught my attention the first day that I met you and you keep on doing it! Happy anniversary, love!”
  • “I’m so glad I get to spend the rest of forever with you. Thank you for marrying me love and happy anniversary!”

Sweet Anniversary Messages

What’s sweeter than your anniversary? Channel that anecdote by adding a sweet message into your anniversary card. You could keep it simple (like telling them you “love” them), or you could go a little more in depth by telling your partner that they “are the reason for your joy.”

Sweet anniversary message.
  • The butterflies haven’t left my body since I first laid eyes on you. They’re with me even as I write this! Happy anniversary, sweetie!
  • You are my favorite. My favorite person, my favorite place, and my favorite distraction. Happy anniversary to the one I love the most.
  • You sure do know how to make me smile. That in itself is just one of the many reasons why I love you. I’ll remind you of that today on our anniversary, and every day afterward.
  • Not sure how you do it, but you still make me blush! Here’s to many more years of my face turning red.
  • Nothing has been “ordinary” since the extraordinary day that we met. The best part is that it keeps getting better.
  • There are no small things I like about you—but instead a million and one big things that I absolutely love about you. I am so grateful that I get to wish us a happy anniversary.
  • You are my true love and best friend, and I would not have it any other way. Love you forever!

Romantic Anniversary Messages

Obviously, anniversaries are romantic days. So, why not write a romantic message? This could be you listing reasons why you love your partner—or even you reminiscing on the vows and promises you made to each other however long ago. Take a look at these romantic anniversary messages to see what I mean.

Romantic anniversary message.
  • The rumors are true: I fall more in love with you every single day. I’m not sure how I got so lucky, but I don’t question the universe. Happy anniversary, babe!
  • I wasn’t aware that a love this pure could exist before I met you. I just know that it will only grow deeper year after year. For that, I am forever grateful.
  • It was clear that from the moment we met that you were the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. You hold my heart today, and every year after.
  • Knowing that I’ll have you by my side every day from here on out is the best anniversary gift I could have ever asked for. Here’s to our love.
  • Happy anniversary to the person who fills me with so much love. I am amazed how my entire mood can change just by looking at you.
  • Every day with you is an adventure and every memory created is even more precious than the last. Here’s to many more years, my love!
  • You hold my heart. Then, now, and always. Let’s celebrate this life that we get to share together.
  • Our love story is a book, and each year is a chapter that I am so grateful we get to write together. Let’s keep turning the pages. Happy anniversary!

Funny Anniversary Messages

Not everyone likes taking the serious route, and that’s okay. Having a sense of humor about things is always a plus, and you can show that in your anniversary wishes. Keep things playful by making your love bug laugh on your anniversary.

Funny anniversary message.
  • You’re pretty weird. But, hey, so am I! That’s precisely why we’re celebrating our anniversary today, isn’t it?
  • There’s no one else in this world that I love making bad decisions with. Guess that’s why I call you my partner in crime!
  • No, we don’t have it all together… but together, we sure do have it all! (Except for dessert, but we can change that right after this.)
  • Fun, chaotic, and maybe just a little bit crazy. That’s how I’d describe my time with you, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. Happy anniversary!
  • You really put up with me for another year? Wow. You deserve a medal or something. I’ll work on getting you that, but until then, happy anniversary!
  • You mean to tell me I get to annoy you every other year after this? Count me in! (Happy anniversary, sunshine!)
  • Thank you for always laughing at my corny jokes even when you don’t find them funny. I appreciate it more than you know!

Milestone Anniversary Messages

It might be your first anniversary… but it might also be your 50th. How ever many years have passed, there’s no denying how special you’re feeling right now. If you’re especially proud of this milestone that you two reached, then that could be a main factor you point out in your anniversary card—and they’ll be sure to love it!

Milestone anniversary message.
  • [7] years later, and I’m still loving every single moment I get to spend with you. Happy anniversary—and may we see many more to come.
  • I can’t believe it’s already been [4] year(s), but I guess what they say is true: time sure does fly when you’re having fun. Even more so when it’s with the love of your life!
  • It’s true that even after [13] years, I am still discovering more and more reasons as to why I am in love with you.
  • It’s crazy that it’s been [23] years since we’ve been married, because it still feels like we’ve only just begun. I am thankful for our time spent together, but also excited to see what the future holds.
  • [33] years, and you can bet your bottom dollar that I am still counting. (Hope you are, too, because you’re stuck with me.)
  • You amaze me to no end [18] years later—and I really hope you know that. Trust me when I say that we have so many incredible more years waiting for us.
  • Call me selfish, but [48] years with you still isn’t enough for me. Give me [48] more, and we’ll revisit this statement.

One-Year Anniversary Messages

That first anniversary has a way of bringing you all the feels. It marks your first official year together making it one of the most special milestones of all! Take this time to really reflect on the time you spent together, and all of the time in the future that is sure to happen.

One-year anniversary message.
  • Happy 1st anniversary! It feels surreal to say that, and to know that I get to say it again every year.
  • Would you look at that, it’s been one year already! I loved getting to start the journey of a lifetime with you. We’ve already done so much, and I know we’ll do even more.
  • The sweetest feeling of all is knowing that this wonderful year we spent together is truly just the beginning.
  • A year of laughter, love, and sweet, sweet memories. You’re telling me we get to do this all again? I’m all for it.
  • 365 days have passed, and I’ve loved each and every one of them. Happy anniversary, darling.
  • You are my rock, my foundation, and everything that I need in life. Thank you for the best year imaginable.
  • I think about you and I smile. Then, I smile even more knowing that I get to do that for the rest of my life.

5-Year Anniversary Messages

Five years is a bit different from one. You have a few more years under your belt this time around and have undoubtedly learned way more about each other in that time. So, this is the perfect time to let them know what you loved about it!

5-year anniversary message.
  • Is it corny to give you a high-five for our five-year anniversary? Cheers to us!
  • It’s been five years (so far), and we already created a lifetime of joyous memories and achievements.
  • You’ve made my life brighter for the last five years—and no one else can say that!
  • Oh, has it been five years already? We’re just scratching the surface! Still, happy anniversary to us, my love.
  • These last five years have truly been an absolute dream. I don’t want to wake up!
  • Right now, five is my favorite number, because that’s how many years I’ve spent with you.
  • Five years sounds like a lot, but it hardly feels like enough when talking about the time I have spent with you.

10-Year Anniversary Messages

Alright, so you’ve hit a decade. Talk about a milestone! This really is a remarkable event to celebrate. There are countless things you can say and memories you can recount in this card. Your options are truly endless, but here’s a start.

10-year anniversary message.
  • 10 years down, and *so* many more to go. I am so proud of us and everything we were able to do together.
  • If anyone were to ask me what 10 years feels like, I would tell them that it feels like not enough. Still, I’m so happy that I was able to spend them with you. Happy anniversary.
  • Looking back at the last 10 years has me feeling all types of emotion. It gets me teary-eyed, but in the best way possible. Make sense? Anyway, happy anniversary!
  • Over the past decade, I’ve enjoyed getting to bring our vows to life. On our anniversary, it’s very telling that we meant every word.
  • You’re the only friend I need. I love laughing with you ‘til our ribs get tough and I’m so happy that we spent 10 years doing so.
  • If I’m being honest, I don’t know how it’s been 10 years. It all feels so surreal—but if time is going to fly, I’m glad it’s flying with you.
  • How is it possible that I love you more than I did 10 years ago? I guess that’s marriage for ya. Happy anniversary!

25th Anniversary Messages

25 years, or a quarter of a century if you will, means you really got it going on (if you weren’t already sure before). By this point, you might have started a family of your own (if that was a goal of yours), bought a home or two, or even moved states. In short, you’ve had many years together and you should cherish that.

25th anniversary message.
  • No, I’m not keeping track. I just checked the calendar and it happens to be 25 years since we’ve been married. Cool, right? (Happy anniversary!)
  • 25 whole years of vibing with each other. That’s got to be some sort of record! Love you the most and happy anniversary.
  • Fate knew exactly what it was doing when it matched us up together 25 years ago. (And I’m so glad it did!)
  • These wrinkles are due to 25 years of smiling big with you. Happiest of anniversaries to us.
  • Wow! 25 magical years. It’s us until the end of time, but you already know that. Happy anniversary!
  • There has never been a day where I regretted loving you, and I am eternally happy that I get to say that—especially 25 years later.
  • 25! Let it be known that we have 25 years of a wonderful marriage under our belt. This is the greatest feeling of all.  

50th Anniversary Messages

Is it okay to say that 50 years is the milestones of all milestones? You’ve spent practically your entire life together at this point! You’ve both reached the “golden” anniversary, and that in itself is beautiful. While words alone can’t encompass this experience, these anniversary message ideas are a good start.

50th anniversary message.
  • Our love is timeless, and these last 50 years have proved that. Cheers to us and the love we created along the way!
  • It has always been us. 50 years ago and again today. Happy anniversary, Love!
  • These last five decades have been anything but a challenge. Many wonderful, wonderful memories created that I wouldn’t trade for anything.
  • Throughout this lifetime, you have been my greatest teacher, my truest friend, and my only lover. How lucky am I to have had this for the last 50 years.
  • Oh, the secrets we share and the stories we could tell from these 50 years together. They’re ours to keep forever.
  • Growing old together has been my favorite thing. Thank you for joining me on this journey.
  • With love in my heart and tears in my eyes, I want to say I have loved every year with you… all 50 of them!

Anniversary Messages For Wife or Husband with Kids

Having kids and starting a family is one of the many bonuses couples can choose to take on. If you share mini-versions of yourselves, then you’ll resonate with these anniversary messages.

Anniversary message for wife or husband with kids.
  • I thought life was as good as it could get with you, and then our kids were born. I never want this to change. Happy anniversary!
  • You are my [wife/husband], and the parent to my children. That alone is the best anniversary gift.
  • Happy anniversary to the person I am so proud to have made a [father/mother].
  • Seeing our kids light up when you enter a room makes me light up, too. Happy anniversary, baby.
  • Happy anniversary! Seeing you transform from a husband to a father has been the highlight of this marriage.
  • Parenting with you has been an absolute dream. Happy anniversary to the person I know I could trust with anything.
  • Taking this time to let the parent of our kids know how much I love them. Everyday, but especially today on our anniversary.

Anniversary Messages For Boyfriend or Girlfriend

An anniversary as a dating couple is still an anniversary indeed—and yes, it should be celebrated! This is where the creativity sparks, after all. So go ahead, get your girlfriend/boyfriend a gift, and write them a sweet card on the date you started dating.

Anniversary message for boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • You are the best part of my day… everyday! Happy anniversary!
  • I keep thinking back to our first date and smiling at the thought of how far we come.
  • I guess this is what you would call relationship goals… and I’m so here for it. Happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary to the thunder to my lightning, the password to my login, the strawberry to my banana.
  • From algebra class to texting each other every day. Who would have thought we’d be celebrating an anniversary!
  • You make this dating thing seem easy. Here’s to many more years with my babe!
  • Not going to lie, coming up with couple nicknames has been one of my favorite parts of this past year! Happy anniversary!

Anniversary Messages For a Couple

Celebrating your friends’ anniversary is just as fun and meaningful! You got a favorite couple in your life? Let them know with these cute messages that’ll show that you’re thinking of them.

Happy anniversary message for a couple.
  • Happy anniversary to my absolute favorite couple!
  • I don’t know a pair of people who match each other as well as you both do. Happy anniversary to you!
  • You both give me faith in this whole love thing. Happy anniversary!
  • Sending you all the good vibes and love from my end on your very special day.
  • Seeing you two fall in love with each other has been one of my favorite things, and that’s saying something! Happy anniversary!
  • The perfect couple does exist, and it’s you two!
  • You both being happy makes me happy, and that’s just great. Happy anniversary!

Anniversary Messages For Parents

Lots of times, your parents are the first examples of love that you know. So, go ahead and tell them that with your very own card to them on their special day.

Anniversary message for parents.
  • Mom and dad, I am your biggest fan. Seriously! Happy anniversary.
  • Without you both, I literally would not be here. With that said, I owe you everything! Happy anniversary!
  • You’re my favorite couple, mom and dad. Though, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t biased.
  • You have been the greatest example of love, and I need you to know that. Happy anniversary to the best to ever do it.
  • You both being my parents is my best asset, and I am more than happy to celebrate this special day with you.
  • Happy anniversary! You both give me hope that true love does exist.
  • Your teamwork and love for each other really sets you apart from everyone else. Happy anniversary!

You might be here because you’re about to celebrate your anniversary with your significant other soon. Or an important couple in your life is getting ready to commemorate theirs. Either way, you can honor both with a sweet anniversary message—whether it be a famous anniversary quote, a funny joke, or a sentimental blurb.

Photo of the author Josiah Soto.

Josiah Soto is a New York City-based writer and editor, though he’s a Pennsylvania boy at heart. He studied English Literature at a small school called Moravian University—an experience that he’s eternally grateful for. He has been professionally writing for a few years now, seeing his work featured at ThePioneerWoman.com, Cosmopolitan, Biogrpahy.com, and more. Outside of this, Josiah battles with the idea of rooting for the Phillies and the Yankees, as he feels dedicated to both.

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