50 Self-Care Ideas Real People Are [Actually] Enjoying


Silas & Grace

Different forms of self care like healthy food and a book.

Learning how to do self-care has genuinely changed how I see myself. Suddenly I feel like I’m someone who should be taken care of.

Also, it makes me feel motivated to start doing even more things to take care of myself.

And having the right self-care ideas is so important.

You want something that’s gonna work for you, which is why I was very careful when creating this list.

I wanted you to have ideas you’d actually wanna try, not give you tips that someone put together for views. I mean I’m pretty sure you’re probably tired of hearing the same advice like, “meditate” or “go to bed earlier.”

Yes those things are helpful, but sometimes it can be nice to get ideas from real people, not just someone who’s getting paid to write an article.

Which is why I went on Reddit to get self-care advice from people who were actually practicing it in their daily and weekly life.

So take notes, their answers honestly didn’t disappoint!

More ways you can take care of yourself and practice self-love:

50 Self-Care Activities You’ll Actually Wanna Try

Finding just the right self-care activities is so important when learning how to take proper care of yourself, and down below are some great ideas.

I’m not joking, I’ll probably be incorporating some of these into my self-care routine this week!

And if you’re ready, then let’s get started! Here are some great self-care tips:

Self-Care Rituals

Skincare products for a self-care ritual.

1. Changing Sheets & Pampering Ritual

“I made changing my sheets a happy event thing.

Each Monday I change my sheets and do a pamper evening thing, with a face mask, a longgg shower with scrub, loads of lotions after. Have a nice drink, maybe do yoga.

Then when I’m at the cleanest I’ll ever be, I’ll grab a fresh pair of pj’s and go to bed early to enjoy some shows in my little cocoon of perfect.” — futurecrazycatlady

jupiter2273 also added in:

“I can’t believe someone else does this! My husband thought I was crazy that I made this big event of fresh sheets but then he did it too and is a convert.”

2. Create Your Own Sunday Ritual

“Every Sunday I wake up and walk to my favorite coffee shop for a latte. I take it to-go and drink it while I walk around the neighborhood, sometimes stopping to go into stores and browse, just generally wandering around. I live in San Diego and the weather is nice basically all year around, which is what allows me to indulge in this every weekend. It’s such a relaxing way to get a little activity in my life. I get to enjoy the sunshine, my favorite coffee and some quiet time by myself with my thoughts. I’m so looking forward to it tomorrow!” — buttermybackside

3. Start a Coffee Ritual

Doing a coffee ritual and enjoying a cup of coffee.

“Making my coffee in the morning – it’s a whole ritual. First, I get the oat creamer, then the flavor/syrup I want, then pick out my favorite mug, warm the milk, froth it, combine with the coffee and then sprinkle nutmeg on the top. Then I breathe in a deep scent of it, close my eyes and then sip. It’s heaven and it’s all for me.” – velvethope

4. The Sheet Mask Relax Ritual

“I just started using sheet masks and turned the wait time into a mini spa experience. I light a candle next to my bed, snuggle in with a book and read for about 15 minutes. It’s simple but having that quiet time a few days a week has done wonders for not only my skin, but also my peace of mind.” — friendofthebirds

5. Evening Rituals

“Every night- making the 15 min before bed to brush my teeth (not while looking at my phone!), combing my hair, setting it in a wrap, washing my face, serum, sleep mask. Actually putting effort into me time.” – reclusivepterodactyl

6. Early Morning Ritual

Doing an early morning ritual for self-care and enjoying good food.

“Getting up early enough to do things for yourself first thing in the morning.

It can be really tough when you have a long commute or get home late or have family responsibilities, but I find getting up even fifteen minutes early to read a chapter of a book or half an hour to watch a TV show helps get me in the best mood, rather than getting up just to start getting ready for work.” — 2hatsrbetterthan1

Goblinish also said, “I second this. It lets waking up be more about putting your energy into taking care of or doing somethign positive for yourself instead of dreading the day. Makes hitting the snooze button a lot easier to resist.”

7. Brunch + Journaling Ritual

“Taking yourself out for brunch once per week with a journal and just write about all those feels while eating some yummy eggs and avocado (or the vegan equivalent) and drinking some over-priced coffee.” — Belmagick

At Home Self-Care Ideas

An at home self care idea like enjoying a good coffee drink.

8. Pre-Making a Drink

I loved this tip and while it was one I read on Facebook, I needed to include it.

Basically you’re prepping for when you have a hard day.

You make a drink ahead of time, something you really enjoy, and then put it in the freezer.

Then on those days when everything feels discouraging, you have something to look forward to. Something that lifts up your mood and helps get things started in the right direction.

9. Mindful Showering

“When I shower, I actually mentally focus on the area I’m washing. I take the time to focus on the soap touching my skin. It’s stupid but it sort of helps keep me in the moment instead of my brain rambling on like it usually does.” – Acenterforants333

10. Self-Care Fridays

Doing a self-care Friday and drinking coffee and eating desserts.

“I do self care Fridays (my day off). I’ll do some fun activity for myself (massage, reiki, pedicure, see a movie alone, etc). I’ll take a really long shower Friday night and use a face mask and hair mask (super cheap at drug stores) and then I’ll light candles and color while listening to a podcast or read a fun book. Then I go to bed early! I look forward to Fridays all week.” — bed_is_my_soulmate

11. Prepping Coffee the Night Before

“preparing my coffee machine the night before so i don’t have to do anything but turn it on in the morning ♥️ it’s so small and mundane but it just gives me one less thing to worry about before work” – svbcvltvre

12. Spending Quality Time Before Leaving the House

“Sitting with my kids and just chatting while they get ready in the morning. When they leave for school I’ll get dressed and ready, but that start with my little best friends always puts me in a good mood instead of rushing because we all need to get dressed. It’s a SAHP privilege for sure, but I get a boost from that connection, even with the grumpy teens who usually leave happy.” – grannywanda

13. Nails + Entertainment

“I do my nails pretty often while watching TV in the evening, it’s me-time while sitting next to my SO. It’s perfect for me 🙂

Pretty often = 2-5 times a week” — sparkling_sand

14. Fixing Up Can Make You More Productive

Makeup on a bathroom counter for fixing up to be more productive.

“Getting up every morning, doing my hair, makeup and putting on an outfit that makes me feel pretty. I don’t usually do a lot in the way of hair and makeup but doing that routine within the first hour of waking up puts me on the path to a productive day even when I don’t feel like it. I now consider it an essential part of taking care of my mental health.” — powdered_cheese

15. Making the Bed Can Lead to More Good Habits

“Starting every day by making my bed. It’s starting each day on a productive path. Sounds silly. But it sparked the flame for me to start exercising, eating better, keeping up with a routine for house work and chores.” — turbotina3

4leftturns also says…

“I watched this video about making your bed everyday and was so inspired that I implemented it into my daily routine. The speaker talks about doing small tasks to encourage other achievements in your day. Work can be stressful and there are days where I can feel overwhelmed and get hard on myself. Seeing my bed is a great visual reminder for me that I did accomplish things and I use the time right before falling asleep for positive self talk. I may have had a hard day but tomorrow I’m going wake up, make my bed, and try again!”

16. Dollar Store Pamper Day

A jar of products for pampering and self-care.

“One of my favorite things to save money used to be “dollar tree pamper day.” They have some good products there- just do a quick ingredient check. With dollar tree pamper day, set a budget for how much you can spend. (Typically $5-6 if you can swing that). Pick out 1 snack, 1 drink, maybe some nail polish and a file, and some other pampering products. They have ponds cream which can be used as a face mask (and ponds cream is good quality). I use their unscented arm and hammer baby wash as body wash but I’m sure it could double as a quality bubble bath! Good luck :)” – willowthewize

17. Don’t Rush Your Shower

“Taking a quality shower instead of being rushed and taking the time to work on a skincare routine.” — carolinabluebird

18. Eat the Frog

“handling anything that i’ve procrastinated on right away in the morning so i can try and get it over with finally. be it loading the dishwasher, checking my credit score, or calling to make an appointment. it makes me feel amazing for the rest of the day.”

Personal Self-Care Ideas

A pink feminine room.

19. Enjoy What YOU Want to Enjoy

“Letting myself enjoy things I previously wrote off as childish or frivolous. I started buying the sparkly version of the items I would have previously bought in black or navy, I wear fun patterns, I got a body spray that adds a shimmer to my skin and smells like vanilla and brown sugar, I recently bought myself some roller skates and started going to a local skating rink. Life gets 100x better when you stop holding yourself back from doing things you’ll get a kick out of just because you think it’s silly. Will it make you happy? Then it’s not silly.” — bloopbloopborp

BAM. Could not have said it better.

20. Enjoying the “Nice Items” Now

“Using my favourite skincare stuff/ scents/ pens/ wearing favourite clothes instead of “saving the good China” I deserve the good stuff now. I don’t have to use everything mediocre up first or save my favourite clothes for an occasion. I create the good times. I didn’t allow myself to luxuriate for years and the good stuff just ends up getting old or lost hahah”

I’m sorry but, “I create the good times” is so well put. Might make that something I live by. – Luunarfern

21. Cutting Out the Toxic People

“Cutting toxic people out of my life.

I grew up in a culture that treats me like they own me and I must do everything as they said, and that I owe them just for having been born or having married their son. It got so bad that I would have nightmares from their abuses. I finally had enough and said that I don’t care if my whole community ostracize me and say all kinds of terrible things about me, I will no longer have anything to do with both my parents and my in-laws. My nights have been peaceful ever since then.” — lubnag

This is your sign, cut them out! They’re not worthy of your time and emotions, but you are worthy of people who genuinely care about you. ♥️

22. Snacks

A woman practicing self-care by getting snacks.

“Always carry a snack bag” – cutiegirl88

Sometimes it’s the small things. 🤷‍♀️

23. Don’t Brings Stressors Home With You

“Keeping work at the office and not taking any of it home with me.” — hakeemalajawan

24. Taking a Mental Health Day

“I took a mental health day last week. I drove to a new nature trail along a creek. I walked and ran on the trail for 4 miles. Then I stopped and sat on a bench to enjoy the golden sunlight, the blue sky and the green grass. Then I went to a new restaurant (that is on my list) to have a yummy novel lunch. Then I came home to take a nap! It was a perfect, peaceful, quiet day with minimal phone usage. I felt like a new person at the end of the day.” – Springaloe

25. Show Yourself Kindness & Compassion

“Showing myself kindness. Works a lot better than biore strips or reiki for my well being.” — KatieYijes

“I think really focusing on self compassion by consciously noticing my inner dialogue and changing it to be more empathetic to myself. I still catch myself being overly critical/down on myself, but NOTICING that I’m doing that and then consciously refuting that idea is something that has really helped me change the way I feel about myself.” — CarelessQuarter

“Talking to myself in a nice way, as if I was talking to myself as a child. I feel like no matter what happens, I’ll still be here and it won’t be a burden anymore but a relief.” — Accurate-Tomato-5234

26. Be Mindful of Energy Levels

A woman relaxing and practicing self-care.

“This one has both a negative and a positive side, but it’s one I do stick to:

Being more mindful of my energy level and when I notice it’s too low, I cancel social plans and instead do some reading/crafting/watching series.

You can’t spend spoons you don’t have. And so often I ignored that and I just went to social events because I didn’t wanna miss out but now I accept more that, even when I realllllly wanna see my friends, I need to take some rest so I will not break down again. Self care isn’t always fun, but it’s necessary.” — Flanerend

27. Speak Up for Yourself

“I think this falls under self care, but speaking up for myself.

If someone is doing something that makes me uncomfortable, I’ll tell them to stop and let them know the consequences if they don’t. It’s hard because it’s uncomfortable to do with people you like and care about but it saves me a lot of anxiety and stress in the long run.”

28. Prioritize Your Time

A book about taking care of yourself and prioritizing your time.

“Prioritizing my time and making sure I have time to do the things I want to.

For a long time, I would basically come home from work and watch tv until bed time. I think it was kind of a holdover from college where any spare time I had (which was not very much) was spent zoning out watching tv or movies.

I realized I wasn’t doing any of the things that were actually important to or enjoyable for me. So i set goals for myself to do things like read for an hour a day, volunteer once a month, etc.

Now I regularly read a book or more a week, I volunteer with two organization, one on a weekly basis and one once a month, I’ve taken freelance jobs, I picked up running, and I don’t watch tv that much anymore. I still occasionally binge watch something I’m really excited about (hello Queer Eye season 2) or spend some time lazing around and watching it on the weekend after a really busy week, but I spend most of my time doing things I want to and that I enjoy, instead of just checking out.”

29. Just Leave

“I read from somewhere that when you start to feel bad, leave the place immediately.

I used to stick around after party hours waiting for my friends. Don’t get me wrong, I love them all. But most of the time, it gets me so anxious and irritable sticking around.

Now when I feel I am done for the night and my friends are winding down after a party, I tell them I’d meet them at a cafe nearby or just tell them I’m heading home asap.

That way, I get to have my own space and sanity back. Leaving is satisfying.” – ginnychewsley

30. Splurging On Cute but Inexpensive Clothing

“Buying cute clothes. They don’t have to be expensive but feeling “put together” goes a long way.” – InMyHead33

Self-Care for the Mind

An encouraging message about loving and taking care of yourself.

31. Know That it’s Ok to Ask for Help & Communicate

“Asking for help at work when the workload became too much 2.) Telling the people around me that I’m anxious, rather than just suffering in silence.”

32. Think About Your Future Self

“I have also always struggled with procrastination/not building good habits so now I focus on the idea that the things I do in the present can be self-care for my future self.” – CarelessQuarter

33. A Motivational Reminder

A glass of water and a book on motivation.

“I tell myself that everything I value is on the other side of pain. Whether it’s physical pain at the gym or emotional pain from a bad breakup. Everything I do that involves pain has something better for me on the other side.”

34. Listening to Inspiration

“Listening to inspirational speeches while I get ready for work in the morning. YouTube has a lot to choose from. Makes me feel like I can accomplish anything and my mood, mind and spirit is lifted.” – MyHonestOpnion

35. A Gratitude App

“I downloaded a gratitude journal app about a year ago and resolved to write three things I’m grateful for every day. I thought it would be kind of silly, but it’s kind of transformed my days. All day I’m thinking of good things to write down, and on harder days, it forces me to remember all the things I’m still grateful for. It pops up a notification at 9pm to remind me, and I haven’t missed a day since I started it last July. It’s been amazing.” – latche

36. Write Down What Frustrates You

“Writing down things that frustrate me – helps getting it out of my system. I usually tear and throw away the page.”

Self-Care Ideas for the Body

A woman taking care of her body and doing self-care.

37. Cut Out One Unhealthy Thing

“I cut out soda, replaced it with water.”

pseudanthia also added, “I second this. I quit diet coke years ago. Amazing how much healthier you feel without that garbage.”

38. Meal Prepping

“Meal prepping. I pick out the recipes I want to make for the upcoming week on Friday, get my groceries on Saturday, and cook them up over the rest of the weekend. I like to try new and interesting recipes, and I really enjoy cooking and baking good, high-quality meals. Then I have my food for the rest of the week and don’t have to think about it when I get home from work.” — swimmingmonkey

39. Put More Effort Into Breakfast

“Make. Breakfast. I find it very important self-care for the following reasons:

  1. Feed your self. You know you’re gonna skip lunch if you get stressed later. EAT.
  2. It sets a tone for the whole day. Put in some extra effort, reap rewards (here, tasty food and not being hungry later). It literally breaks my couchlock when i’ve had a lazy-depressed couple of days.” — flippyfloppityfloop

40. Find An Exercise That Works for You

A woman taking care of herself and exercising.

“I agree with everyone about exercise but the key is to find something you like. I personally hate running because I have crappy ankles. The gym gives me anxiety so I do home workouts. I look up YouTube videos, anything from yoga, dancing, tai chi, guided meditations, etc.” – tiinyydancer

41. Dedicated Grooming Time

“Spending that extra 30 minutes to groom/look my best before attending a social event. I noticed that I feel a lot more confident and interact with people more when I know I look good.” – EmotionalEater77

42. Making a Nourishing Meal

“Cooking myself tasty, healthy meals. Whenever I make myself a great meal from scratch with lots of vegetables, I feel like I’m winning at life.” — tsukiii

43. Breathing Routine

“Learning how to breathe. This sounds kind of silly because we all breathe all the time but learning different breathing techniques has really helped me with day to day stress.” – Sskillen19

rizaroni also says…

“Totally agree! I really worked hard on my breath over the last couple years and I try to do a deep breathing routine at least once a day, especially as I’m laying in bed trying to fall asleep. Deep breathing is so good for you.”

44. Hydrating First Thing in the Morning

A computer and a glass for hydration.

“Drinking a glass of water in the morning right after you wake up.

I got this new app for self care that suggested it as a new habit so I gave it a go. I always used to feel so sluggish and like I never really woke up, but once I started I noticed I was feeling more alert and energized. It was crazy how much of a difference it made. I struggle to keep up the habit, but on the days I do remember I feel so much better. Plus it’s easier to continue drinking water throughout the day and I end up more hydrated!” – BeckToBasics

45. Mindfully Drinking Water

“Drink minimum of 2L of water per day. I fill up my Nalgene once in the morning, make sure it’s empty by lunch time, fill it up again in the afternoon, make sure it’s empty by bed. It makes me feel good, it makes my skin look good, and when I’m feeling anxious watching the water level go down reminds me that I’m doing something tangible for myself and my health.” — lauraam

Outdoors Self-Care Ideas

A woman walking her dog and getting out to practice self-care.

46. Head to a Bath House

“I did this much more when I lived in a colder climate, but I still do it occasionally even living somewhere hot – going to the all womens bath house for a soak/steam. I especially love the korean/Japanese style bath houses you can find in big cities (I live in the US).

As a woman, it’s so healing just being in a space where you feel safe, can really relax fully, and not have to be concerned with where men around you are at/have your creep alert on.”

47. Make Yourself Get Outside

“Going outside more. Sorta forced by getting a dog, so I’m not too sure if it’s the dog or the walks or both. I really feel a difference when I force myself out though, even if I was in a bad mood before. Dog needs walk, but I come back much more relaxed too.” – nucifera_no

48. Start a Garden

A woman getting veggies from her garden.

“Gardening. It occupies my mind thinking of what I need to do to care for it or add to it, it lets me spend time outside instead of sitting around inside and I get to enjoy it afterwards!

I’m also planning to start growing my own veg, so it might even save on money and waste.” – Amberl0uise

“I found an actual hobby. I started gardening as a coping mechanism and I find myself walking away from the computer to spend time with my plants. It’s led to being more motivated, calmer, and less depressed. Because I’m less depressed, I spend more time on grooming, household chores, cooking, and other productive healthy things. I never found anything I took a real interest in up until I started collecting plants. I feel like it has opened the door for even more hobbies and interests. I spend much less time playing video games and practicing escapism. I wish I hadn’t waited until my 30s to find a healthy hobby I’m good at and I enjoy.”

49. Doing Things by Yourself

“I like to go and do something alone like go for a walk or to the beach with a book. Sometimes it helps me to get out of bed if I just make a plan and go do it without waiting on anyone else. Also helps me switch off for a bit” – z_planet

h0llatsam also adds:

“Leaving the house to get a coffee, drive around and listen to music. There’s times when I isolate myself and don’t leave the house for days. I do love being home but it also makes me feel a whole lot better when I get some vitamin D. I’ll go get my favorite coffee, drive around the neighborhood, go sit by the water, listen to good music, and sing my heart out.”

50. Leave the Electronics at Home

A woman outdoors and walking her dog for self-care.

“Wife and I have started to do this recently.

We’ll leave our gadgets home, grab some essentials, and walk out to the nearby riverbank park. We’d just hang out there, maybe read, have a picnic, if weather’s good we’ll play some badminton.

It’s when we feel connected to life, the world, feeling present and existing.

Things feel simple again. It’s amazing.” – Inazumaryoku

How to Practice Self-Care

To practice self-care and incorporate it into your weekly schedule, you need to first figure out the things that are taking up the majority of your time. Then ask yourself if these are things you can cut down on. This is one of the easiest ways to free up time so you can take better care of yourself.

Also, you can see if there are daily or weekly tasks where you can practice self-care.

So for instance, if you head to the grocery store once a week or you have a 25 minute commute to work, you might wanna listen to a motivational podcast.

Or if you have a series you like watching, then maybe do a face mask or try a workout that’s not gonna distract you.

And lastly, start seeing the tasks you do in a different light.

Some people call this “romanticizing your life.” So if making dinner after work stresses you out, find a recipe that’s nourishing, quick, and delicious. Then, while you’re cooking, put some music on that makes you feel good, light a candle, and see it as a way to love yourself.

Make it something that’s enjoyable to you and when it’s done, it can be a great time to practice gratitude for the tasty dinner in front of you.

Just an idea. 🤷‍♀️

Finding just the right things to do for self-care can be a bit frustrating at times, but I promise you, it is SO rewarding.

And once you get things locked into your routine, you’re gonna start seeing some incredible results in how you feel about yourself and your life.

Just remember, you’re important which means you have the time to practice these self-care tips! ♥️

PS – Which one of these self-care routine ideas was your favorite? I’d love to know!

Leveling Up Your Lifestyle Wellness

Silas & Grace

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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